I used oc:reborn in the past and I admit that to this day I still remember it fondly. But am I wrong, or the mod is not in the good shape it was when it comes to compatibility patches? Apart from the few ones that gets released by the community (thanks mhahn123 and philippepetain) the mod is going through a period of dramatic 'calm'. Vorians keeps updating better cities and is an endless source of compatibility patches if asked, while for oc:r the patches are for mods that were released a long time ago, leaving new great quality content out. If in past I would have said that oc:reborn represented a great new alternative to better cities, nowadays I think that it is a mod for 'little'load order, a mod that became from accessible to 'elitist only' because you would be missing a lot of other content/(quest)mods to enjoy it. But that is the standpoint from someone that is unable Even to make simple patches.