My fourth attempt at my Imperial Bard, Fortuna Fortissimo, has retired early. This is about the fifth or sixth character to see early retirement (above and beyond these four attameps).
What happens after awhile is that whole cells refuse to load anymore. My latest venture had me in Riften trying to find Esbern. I find him, and get to the Ragged Flagon on our way out. The Ratway refuses to load for me. I click on the door - CTD. I try to console command (COC) my way in - nothing happens. I finally get out by COC'ing to Riften's Beggar's Rest after trying many of Riften's other cells to no avail. I get out of Riften and continue on to Riverwood.
I meet Delphine and Esbern at Karthspire. An Ancient Dragon shows up (GREAT fight, there!) and it takes me few tries to get all the enemies taken care of. So, we head into Skyhaven Temple and get to Alduin's Wall and all that done. After sleeping, I head back out to Karthspire. CTD. Crap! After messing around for a few hours (reload after reload after reload), I COC to Markarth. This is getting ridiculous.
Just to test things out, I head back on foot to Karthspire. CTD. I can not get back into this whole cell. The same with Riften's Ratway. I gave up and moved all of her old save files into her folder for such things.
Mods. I have used different combos of mods at many varying times. This game happened to the first time using character skeletal mods. I have no clue which mods do this. I'm about ready to just play vanilla games only right now.
It svcks getting to level 40 or more, doing all kinds of things and developing my characters then have the game basically shut down on me. The unsurity of the future makes me wonder if the time is worth it. Sure, I have fun while I am playing, but having to give up with so much incomplete for what I wanted that character to do is frustrating, to say the least.
I am not a programmer. I am not a modder. I am a simple-minded player that just wants things to work. Really, the game is not that amazing for me to go through so many hoops to get things working together. Am I expecting too much?
/end rant