I like a lot of the stuff that the jsawyer mod does (adding more equipment, making changes to existing equipment, etc.), but I don't like the balance changes (Carry Weight, Health, etc.). I'd like to undo the balance changes, but I'm afraid if I just run down the list of changes, I'll miss something. I'm not asking anyone to do the work for me, but I'm worried that by changing stuff back to default, I'll screw the mod over and make it unplayable. Not only that, but the mod makes a lot of changes, and there's no easy way to sort out only the stuff that was changed by the mod, so if anyone has any idea on how to quickly find the edited stuff when the file is loaded in the GECK, that would be amazing. I'm aware I'm not really asking a specific question, and I apologize, but I'm not sure how to even put my misgivings into words to explain them to myself, much less others, so any advice you have at all would be great.