Hello I was recently experimenting with a plugin I made that creates an island land mass in the middle of a lake in Tamriel. It has grass textures, tree's all that stuff. I tried to turn that plugin esp into an esm just to see what would happen and maybe have some house mods become dependent on that esm so I could do some more experimenting. I made backups of all my esp's first and though I did turn that island plugin into an esm through TES5Edit there were unforeseen issues and it just wasn't working as i expected. So i deleted the esm and returned the original esp back to the data folder.
So i went back in game and now my island has no textures, no grass or anything like that i made. Trying to determine whats going i narrow it down to one of the house mods i have. Loading that house mod up in the creation kit i find that it has made a duplicate of my islands' land mass just with no textures, like i was seeing in game. So here is the weird part, if i delete that islands' land that was duplicated in the house mod through the creation kit, level it out lets say, and start the game with both house and island mod active the island is gone, even though it still should be there since the island mod is running. If I run only the island mod, everything is back to normal.
Somehow the house mod is taking priority and I really don't understand why. Looking at the house mod in the creation kit and running it in TES5Edit I don't see my previous island esm experiment as being a dependency, but i have heard of things like implicit dependencies that don't show up in that list. Maybe this is a case of that but I don't know how to check for those or change things like that if that's even the case. Any thoughts would be helpful.