I complained many times already that Skyrim has a gorgeous world but the stories are pretty lacklustre (except the Dark Brotherhood, which I love). Well, instead of complaining even more, I decided, piece by piece, to add choice and consequence to Skyrim. I decided to start with the questline that needs it most - the Thieves Guild.
The idea behind the questline is very good, but the execution is left little to be desired. So it's not going to be remade from scratch.
There are plot holes, and the questline portrays the characters as if they are careless idiots. I am going to embrace this and add more dialogue topics which actually fill in the plot holes. There are some plot holes, where I need to change the dialogue completely, and that's a whole lot of dialogue from Karliah.
TG00 - Doesn't need much overhauling. I only added a few more responses and called it done.
I'm now on TG01 and I'm already starting to add speech checks to avoid breaking stuff for those 3 people, and the possibility to pickpocket gold from them instead of being a thug.