What a busy place!
So i pass the entrance exam and get the "gand tour." It was late in the evening so I thought I'd sleep before heading off to Orientation class. I sit through the class and we get set to leave for Saarthal. As we start to cross the bridge, a Dragon attacks! (I'm using an alternate start mod that delays dragin attacks, so this was my first Dragon appearance (at level 8)). Well, my freshman class passes our first "magic test"
So, I head into Saarthal and get sent back by Tolfdir with "big news!" I arrive at the college at about "oh dark thirty." Well, I sleep instead of disturbing the Arch Mage. After waking, I head by the entrance (instead of cutting across the lawn) and notice "activity" down in the town. I think I see a spell going off. Off I go!
At the end of the ramp, a massive vampire attack is taking place! I run in to help!
Well... 6 deaths (reloads) later, I lead those nasty blood-svckers back into the college, for help. After my 4th death in town, I realized that by the time I arrived, the Winterhold Guards were already dead, leaving me with 2 Master Vampires, 2 Vampire Thralls, and 2 Dogs. That's a bit much for me on my own
After receiving the help I needed up at the college, I have now made level 10. As I head back into town to loot er... make sure everyone is OK, up struts Durag(?), the Dawnstar recruiter. I wanted to yell at him, "Where the heck were you 20 minutes ago?!?"
Yes, the Colege of Winterhold is one busy place