Ah! An unofficial thread, let's hope it works!
Anyway, I am really enjoying the game, I was pleasantly surprised when I first started! The stories, the lore, we're finally seeing more of a day to day life things as well!
Not much of a story, but I was on my thief a few days ago, stealing and killing until my packs were full, problem being was that the place to sell/launder stolen stuff was on the other side of the city! It was oddly exhilarating hiding in corners or alleys, studying the guard movements to be able to clear my bounty! (I was killed on sight)
I'm very excited for the future DLC, the Imperial City already looks amazing, but I'll wait to buy it. Orsinium may be a first day buy, but I might wait until the initial rush dies down, playing something on release is never fun for this old toaster of mine.
http://elderscrolls.net/images/eso-corey-loving/ah1.jpg Daggerfall PvP I believe. Speaking of, I may just go into PvP soon enough, it was fun when I joined with a guild of mine a while ago.
Also! They are working on housing! It's what's I'm more pumped about!
I'm enjoying the game. I'm still slowly advancing my way up through SP PvE. I guess running 8 characters concurrently isn't the best way to level up quickly
No real stories but I would say the best of the quests are equal in writing quality to the best TES has produced. I loved the Frozen Man, felt quite sorry for him by the end of the quest. The Daggerfall Daggers were hilarious.
Anyways, I made it to the dreaded vet levels where it really does kind of feel like you're just grinding. Luckily, my time in Skyrim taught me that RP makes everything better--especially so when you're playing 3 characters simultaneously. They get to walk in each other's shoes. C: It also helps that the game has the best writing in the series since Morrowind. Well, except for parts of the main quest and a good chunk of Eastmarch/The Rift. Here's a tip: don't force the PC to talk like a damn Nord if the entire game it's been pretty neutral in terms of "personality" in the responses. It's like deciding "Welp, let's make the PC talk like a Khajiit" when questing in Reaper's March. Just...no. I feel like I gotta take my characters to an AA meeting afterwards. Thankfully, most of the game's writing doesn't make me bang my head on a wall like Skyrim did so yay?
I am finishing up Cadwell's Silver, so it won't feel like that much of a slog anymore. I'm looking forward to FINALLY do quests in Craglorn once I finish both Silver and Gold. Till then it's just quests I've done before and Crafting Writs. I'll also be hunting down some Purple Motif books to put up for sale for reasons I'll get to. And making Psijic Ambrosia for selling. And Nirnhoned stuff. I love the crafting in this game.
I wanted a game set in High Rock specifically for that style of armor. http://files.elderscrollsonline.com/img/imperialcity/media/concept/TESO_IC_Concept_02.jpg Now we just need one of those "beak" helmets and I'll be happy. If this is one of the Armors only available from PvP or those Blabla stones, then I'll gladly play PvP to get it. Or pay an obscene amount of gold for it. My Breton NEEDS that armor.
But yeah, I'm excited for the Imperial City DLC. At the very least for all the new crafting stuff. I used to sneak into Cyrodiil to fish and hunt down Skyshards so I suspect I will be exploring the city even if i don't get into PvP. Also those new Group Dungeons sound neat. If only Tanking wasn't being neutered severely in the next patch. I doubt I'll be able to get my poor Templar tank around the new restrictions any time soon.
http://eso-fashion.com/imperial-city-dc-heavy/, I'm aiming to get it on my Orc, already thinking of a nice silver dye with a blueish trim.
I like that Xivkyn Ancestor Silk a lot. But it all looks very nice to me.
Take a look at this http://cs7011.vk.me/v7011991/b31d/0krpMxsWWOE.jpg
The more cosmetics I see, the more excited I get! Like the http://skyrimfansite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ESO-Noble-Suit.gif and thehttp://skyrimfansite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ESO-Wedding-Suit.gif I'm hoping for a Skaal outfit soon, I hope.
Yes! We already (sorta?) have a difference in architecture/aesthetic between the two, with Colovian being similar to Skingrad's design and Nibenean being a fusion of the IC and Anvil. At the very least I assume that style is Nibenean since you only see it in the AD starter areas in Cyrodiil and in the Nibenay basin as well as the Hollow City. There ain't much confirmation to that unlike the Colovians (who we see a lot of).
But yeah, set right what Oblivion did wrong and actually give us distinct Cyrods. (The Imperial Motif's full title is "Imperial Cyrods" so maybe we'll see different Cyrodiilic stuf stuff along the way?)