Post » Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:39 pm

The more I read and hear about the Large Hadron Collider the more sceptic I become. What are they really doing there? What are they really trying to do? And do they even know it themselves?

The man in talks about CERN from a spiritual standpoint and at one part he describes the atmosphere amongst the scientists there and I must say, he basically describes Doom 3 with strange happenings, worried scientists and ominous feelings. In Doom 3 they eventually succeded in opening the portal, remember what came out..?

Pandora′s box should not be opened because we can′t put back what has flown out. By the way, look at the Even though there are more lines you can see three sixes there, all in one. Why choose that for a logo? I think it′s not a coincidence.

Several movies describe the LHC such as and the well-known series Stargate is about the LHC too. No one hopes I′m wrong and that nothing bad will happen more than me, so let′s all hope that I am.

The gate, close it soon.

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Rhysa Hughes
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