They might feel like being forced to remove racials for TES VI just by finding this thread.
Anyway, I think racials should remain in place, but gain improvements and follow the lore of the characteristic traits of the ten races. For instance, the Argonians should retain passive waterbreathing and both poison and disease resistance (for some reason they dropped poison resistance for Skyrim, probably because they thought it OP if they also have Histskin), Khajiit should retain their nighteye ability, Altmer should retain some kind of bonus regarding Magicka, etc.
Skill bonuses based on race are something I'm not so sure on. I think that would depend on what other systems are in place, how many skills there are and what they are, and how they decide on the method on how a player chooses which archetype/sub-archetype to pursue. I think they could potentially do skill bonuses based on races if they can do them based on lore, but this does tend to lead to a lot of debate over which skill bonuses are considered "lore-friendly" and which ones are not. Often this comes down to people complaining about stuff like how Redguards have a bonus to Conjuration despite being described as magic-haters in the lore or how Argonians don't have enough bonuses to "assassin skills" due to the lore of Shadowscales or some ridiculous thing like that.
Some people seem to act like the Shadowscales are the single most important part of Argonian lore when in reality they're a very minor, largely throwaway thing and I don't think they're supposed to be particularly special in how they operate. The lore suggests that they are simply just assassins, not elite ninjas. Admittedly the latter might be cool if true, but the lore doesn't support that idea at all and makes no sense in the grand scheme of things.
Well anyway, the passives and powers (particularly if done better then in previous games) are more important in my opinion because it does help reflect how the races differ, particularly when some races aren't even "human" at all. Skill bonuses might be more interesting if it were based on a player-chosen background of some kind like they did for Daggerfall (though greatly improved on of course). Like I said, race-based skill bonuses have a tendency of being on the controversial side, especially if people find that some of them go against the established lore of a certain race's culture.