But it's a moot point.......since smithing is definitely out!
I compete with myself, it being a single player game. I see this as being kind of like golf. It's each of us against the course, rather than against each other, and we're honor-bound to play fair. Winner is the one who best defeats the course.
I don't know about you, but I already have my character created and saved, ready to go. She has a name and a face. She's somebody.
I don't know about anyone else, but it has been made obvious to me that smithing creates overpowered characters. Characters in tin foil armor that can't be hurt, and do massive damages with butter knives. Makes me think that the only way to play this game is as a warrior/smith if you go DiD, eh?
The problem is that I DON'T WANT to play as a warrior/smith when I'm trying to play a thief or a mage or a psychotic bartender...
Sah: "I call upon you Lady Nocturnal, Queen of Murk and Empress of Shadow... hear my voice!"
Nocturnal: "Ah, Sah...... I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. Need something do we?"
"My Lady, I've come before you to throw myself upon your mercy ."
"You're already mine, Sah...... Your terms were struck long ago. What could you possibly offer me now?"
"this one is hear about the Oath!.......this one wishes to transact the Oath; ...........to serve you in Dead is Dead."
"Dead is Dead......... stealth? How interesting....... Very well, the conditions are acceptable....... You may proceed, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me Sah."
"Lady Nocturnal, this one accepts your terms. She dedicates herself to you. this one will honor our agreement in this life and the next until your conditions have been met."
Name: Sah
Game Name: Sah
Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Age: >cough< years old
rotten little thief
Honestly, I wasn't suggesting anything, merely stating an observation... Although, I DO have a thought for some other time. DiD on Master, in the buff. No crafting, i.e. smithing, alchemy, or enchanting (other than to recharge acquired weapons). No perks, no armor, no clothing, no jewelry. I mean, if you want to see how talented you REALLY are, why not do it without all those possessions that make you tough, eh? You'll soon find out that way if you're really bad to the bone, or just good at using possessions.
Like a wolf in the wild, depending one's abilities to survive...
http://theruckerarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/uploaded-images/Expedition1873ApacheWarriors6.jpg a picture of some warriors who didn't depend on possessions... these are Apache, once known as the finest light cavalry in the world.
neil, sounds like a Naked Nord challenge. Use only the weapons you find, no Smithing, and of course naked because that witch stole your clothes. (Or so you keep telling people. Maybe some of them will believe you. Hopefully your spouse will.) Objective: find your stolen axe.
Everyone should play at the same difficulty. Neil's right - without smithing (and enchanting) the game becomes a lot more difficult. I'll be surprised if anyone gets too far in this.
I voted 1, 2, 1, 2.
The only perk trees that we should use are those under the sign of the Thief. I say let us use archery + dagger, but you can't put perks in them and without smithing and perks they won't be strong.
Dark Brotherhood + Thieves Guild obviously. I say those two are probably enough, plus whatever other individual quests you want to do.
I don't have any strong opinions on scoring, but heavily weighted towards backstabs, sneak shots (are those recorded?), etc.
Hmmm... I was nervous once. As I recall, I found out my girl friend's husband was a hitman for the mob...
Once, there was a farmer who owned a small farm in Missouri. One day his wife wanted him to take her to Texas to visit her brother for a few days, and reluctantly, he agreed. Her brother owned a very large ranch, and had plenty of room, so they stayed with him in his ranch house.
The first morning they were there, the farmer and his brother-in-law were up at the crack of dawn, and standing on the front porch of the ranch house to enjoy the morning air. The Texan raised his arm and pointed out at the horizon. "Everything you see out there is mine, I own it. I often get into my car at dawn, and driving as fast as I can, I drive all day long around the borders of my ranch. Just as the sunsets, I arrive back here at the house, never having been off of my property all day long. What do you think about that?"
The farmer from Missouri spat out his wad of chew, and said "Yeah, I had a car like that once. Maybe we can get it fixed for you after breakfast."