might be stg with moving furniture in general, no ck open to test right now, but if it's not that, that's what's the point in putting it into an alias for this would have been: you can't move it because the carriage quest has a hold on it, override that and you can.
just checked the according script for what i had to do to move that bloody bench (that's what i had called my particular inn bench 
this is how i got it to work:
Spoiler Scriptname s7oSOS01aliasThatBloodyBenchSCRIPT extends ReferenceAliasQuest Property BardAudQuest AutoScene Property BardAudScene AutoReferenceAlias Property BardAudLoc5 AutoReferenceAlias Property BardAud5 AutoObjectReference Property BenchRef AutoEvent OnInit () DeBench () if !BenchRef.IsDisabled () if BardAudScene.IsPlaying () BardAudScene.Stop () endif Debench () if !BenchRef.IsDisabled () if BardAudQuest.IsRunning () BardAudQuest. Stop () endif Debench () if !BenchRef.IsDisabled () Debug.Trace ( "s7oSOS01 DeBench failed" ) endif endif endif GetOwningQuest (). CompleteQuest () GetOwningQuest (). Stop ()endEventFunction DeBench () if BardAud5. GetRef () BardAud5. Clear () endif if BardAudLoc5. GetRef () BardAudLoc5. Clear () endif BenchRef. Disable ( false ); BenchRef. SetPosition ( BenchRef.GetPositionX (), BenchRef.GetPositionY (), ( BenchRef.GetPositionZ () + 1000 ) ) BenchRef. SetScale ( 0 )endFunction
...i SAID it was a hell of effort to move the thing
edit: should you want to try stg similar with your carriage bench, check if the carraige quest is safe to stop it like this (for the bard's quest, it just stops a current show if any)
edit2: ...and it's been ages since i wrote this, no guarantee this is in any way efficient or anything... ,-)
edit3: uhm, just re-read the thing, apparently i did NOT manage to move the thing with this anyway (line commented out, i wouldn't have if it had worked), but WHAT apparently worked that way was disabling it and setting it's scale to zero (!!), this might be for you
edit4: ...i just remembered though i DID move the whole solitude carriage (the one that takes you to thalmor embassy though) in my park your ride mod, bench included, so it definitely IS possible to move that thing, but i'd need ck to check that, but i reeally really finally gotta get back to work now daaamn
, l8r