Looking for ideas for a playthrough

Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:05 am

I'm going back through some of my sandbox games and Morrowind is up. I've got the Morrowind code patch installed, removed the 100 point cap (which to me, makes the game much more relaxing since I don't need to worry about 'managing' stats - I can always gain another level eventually so the x3 and x5 don't seem to matter as much) and fixed whatever other bugs and stuff it does (installed it a long time ago).

Other mods - Balmora Balcony House (love the room with all the jars labeled for each alchemy component), LaFemme armor, Better Bodies, maybe another graphical one, and Companions...

I've pretty much accepted that no matter what I do, the game is going to 'break' eventually, so I'm just going to have fun with it. I do want to make some 'rules' to limit the breakage and increase the fun without making it too frustrating. So, I'm looking for some suggestions for 'rules', 'guidelines', or 'goals' that people have tried or though about trying to put a new take on things while keeping it fun and interesting.

Things I enjoy: Exploring, stealing (nothing like packing an entire cities worlth of silverware off to fence - Shop at Balmora, they've got EVERYTHING!!!), and finding creative solutions to things. I like doing the faction quests and using them to explore the world rather than simply going out clearing fog of war 'just because'.

Things I don't enjoy - rolling in more money than Scrooge McDuck from selling said silverware for insane prices thanks to mad mercantile skillz. Skills leveling too quickly (I told you Laura, Todwendy's just a friend...).

I've tried to get into using the alchemy system, but honestly it just doesn't gel for me. The only game I've really gotten into it with is The Witcher. I've also always tended toward enchanting items rather than using spells myself. Nothing like finally getting the right enchantments on the item you've been hunting and saving forever for. I think I'll give it a good college try with the custom spellmaking system. Maybe this time will be the charm.

I'm not a fan of 'dead is dead' - some friends tried to get me into that in X3. There I pilot a large player ship (Split Panther) and die way too often to some other fool with a large ship on the other side of the gate... Too many silly ways to die in games, and here in Morrowind companions don't always follow like they should making reloading somewhat of a necessity.

My ideas for rules so far (note: I'm not listing things like don't stack intelligence potions in alchemy: obvious exploits are obvious). Mostly pretty basic stuff, which is why I'm hoping someone has some more 'interesting' suggestions:

1) No trainers. This should at least slow down the power curve while I actually use skills. It gives the added benefit of forcing me to use skills I'd otherwise ignore until I need them for something. It will also make me really think about what I want for major and minor skills.

2) No selling anything for more than its stated value. Yes, I'll still be swimming in gold eventually (especially without spending money on trainers) but hopefully this will keep it from growing too fast. Open to suggestions on this one - any good mods that try to bring some sanity to the barter system (without it turning into dirt poor or needing food/water full realism)?

3) Fast travel only to places I've already been. This is another 'short term' rule, since eventually it won't matter, but it will push me to explore places - and I know there's still loads of little tidbits tucked away here and there I've never found.

4) Fixed values on enchantments. This avoids the put something on until you get something you like.

5) No buying the summon golden saint spell or grand soul gems - thinking about if found scrolls are ok...

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Maddy Paul
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Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:49 am

If your char is of a religious bent, maybe a vow of poverty? Alternatively, there's a mod called "Donations to the Gods" that lets you give money to the Temple or the Imperial Cult whether or not you belong to them. It's meant as a way to bleed off the money you accumulate, pure and simple. There are no reputation gains, and once you donate the money you don't get it back :smile:.

No soul trapping; instead rely upon the filled soul gems you can buy from the enchanters. IIRC, that would mean no grand soul gems filled with golden saints or ascended sleepers.


Depending upon whether you're buying or selling, choose to offer only one drake off of the amount offered by the merchant. You still increase your mercantile skill, but you're not likely to build up large hoards of cash other than from looting a place.

Maybe limit your looting of a place to stuff that's easy to carry - gems, scrolls, high value potions.

Sell the absurdly high priced gear you acquire to merchants with low amounts of gold on hand at their max amount. :smile:

Use Fliggerty's mod "Trash Compactor" to turn whatever items you want to permanently get rid of to rubbish that various merchants will buy. I liked the idea but found I could still amass gold quickly. Alternatively, take the goods you want to remove from the game by additng it to the inventory of a monster or NPC you've killed and let the game dispose of it at the end of three days.

MCP has a option to change the values of filled soul gems. That might help a bit. MCP has a description.

Those are some ways I can think of to at least get rid of excess cash or loot that don't break immersion.

Can't help much beyond that because I usually start over by the time my char reaches around level 30 exploring and ignoring the main quest.

edit: added spolier tag

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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:06 am

If you want a really massive gold sink, here's two: Only use NPC armorers and enchanters. No Enchanting/Armorer skill for you. If you want a nice enchant you'll still going to have to go out and find grand soul gems, and trap sleepers/saints. But enjoy paying through the nose to actually get that nice constant effect enchant.

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Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:51 am

Don't use artefacts.

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:07 am

If you mean regular fast travel that exist in both Oblivion and Skyrim then forget it in Morrowind, because that doesn't exist in Morrowind which makes Morrowind more immersive than the later games.

I always walk to Balmora from Seyda Neen, but not via Pelagiad just to finish my first quest in-game.

From that point it depends what kind of a character I want to play, so sometimes I just go out and explore the world or I start the MQ. But often I visit the Blades Trainer and do some freelancing regardless what choice I make for my character.

As for rules, I too have the same rule as you have no trainers, instead I always goto to Esterdalin in the Mage's Guild in Balmora to create 6 custom spells (only cost 7 in gold) and each spell is for training a spell school. Remember you might need to buy some spells first and always pick *harmless* spell effects (damage fatigue are the best spell effect for Destruction, and bound helmet for Conjuration, and Telekinesis for Mysticism) with 1 pt on self.

I know a lot of people here have their personal criteria for how to play Morrowind, so my personal criteria might not interests you and that's okay with me. :smile:

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Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:27 am

This I've always done. Well, not the armorer so much as the enchanting. I'll have to try getting all my armor professionsally repaired. Personally, I always viewed the enchanting as money well spent, even if an item did cost close to 100k. Not like I was doing much else with the money. And when I finally can afford that 100% chameleon ring... Mwa Ha Ha Ha !!!!

To whoever mentioned the temple donations... That sounds interesting. My last mini-playthrough (the one I got not very far before starting this way) I was considering how to dump my alchemy products down the sink since however I sold them was going to rake in the cash and boost my merc skill (alchemy and mercantile have quite the synergy going).

I could always not sell stuff and 'paint' pictures on the ground for the 'sky people', but I was never that artistic or patient...

Good ideas coming though, for real :) As someone said, everyone has their ways of playing this game (probably several) which is what makes it one of the greats worth dusting off every now and then.

And to whoever mentioned fast travel - I mean silt striders and boats and such. I've got Oblivion but haven't installed it. My daughter has Skyrim (I'm slowly losing my battle against Steam). I'm going to install Morrowind on her laptop next time she's home. Don't know if she'll like it or not (just had me get her Dragon Age: Inquisition, so she does love her RPG's).

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