My Wrists Are Broken! (Nif Problem)

Post » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:08 pm

I've been modding some armor meshes in Blender. For the most part I've figured out how to import/export nifs while keeping the bones and stuff in all the right places, except for wrists/hands. Every time I try to import/export a glove mesh, the positioning comes out all wonky. Every other piece of armor has been fine, but when I take my wrist/hand mesh and add it to the game, my Blendered bracers float around in the air instead of sitting on the wrists properly. Has anyone run into this problem/know a fix?

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Post » Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:41 am

Are you using the Better Bodies skeleton?

If so, make sure you parent the bracers to the Bip01 object and assign the bracer's vertices to the correct bones.

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:13 am

Blender usually merges the number of bones when exporting, which messes up the model. When exporting select 18 for "Max Bones" (the default is 4). Also uncheck "Combine Materials to Increase Performance". That fixed the problem for me.

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Haley Cooper
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Post » Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:08 am

Thanks! Fiddled with it a bit more and finally got it working. Though it's unchecking "Combine NiNode + Shapes into Single Mesh" during import that prevents it from screwing up, plus increasing the max bones on export. Combining the materials on export doesn't affect it badly.

I am, but I did a direct import/export of an existing mesh to modify so I didn't have to parent anything. This is good to know though, because I have another glove mesh I need to add a static hammer to for a variation on Antares' blacksmith animation, and before I had no luck getting it working.

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