[Idea] Morrowind Post Oblivion Crisis & Stuff

Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:02 am

Mmm, no. That's not really the best approach. This is the place to discuss Morrowind mod projects. Everyone who posts big ideas like this will typically run into issues if they're only looking for help without demonstrating that they have the drive to get it done themselves if they must. I've helped out in little ways on lots of projects over the years, but most people like me don't have the time or desire to commit to a big new project. That doesn't mean it's not a good idea or that we're not interested it's just that most of us modders have our own projects or very little time on our hands or both. So the best thing to do would be to learn how to 3D model the things you need yourself, that's what I and others have done.
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helen buchan
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:16 am

Hmm... sorry to necro this, but I think starting an actual project about Oblivion realms wouldn't be a bad idea. Some time ago I tried to make my own Oblivion Plane, I made it in the wilderness and then used 'CellToNif', a program that allows you to create meshes from cell grids. With such mesh I made my Oblivion Plane as an interior ('Fake Exterior'), and gave it the Blight Storm weather. There are many resources out there, I've collected some over time and I think it's not impossible to make an Oblivion mod, although of course it needs experienced modders to deal with scripts, dialogue and such.
As resources I can recommend Daedric Resources 1-6 by Midgetalien, Daedric Furniture by Dongle, Flaming Floor by LadyEternity, Oblivion Plants for Morrowind by Chainy, Tenticle Creature by Proudfoot and Lady Eternity.

I'm also trying to make my Oblivion Tower starting from a Telvanni Tower, but it's still WIP.

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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:32 am

You could ask Fritz since he understand Russian I think.

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Killah Bee
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:25 am

Did you release a WIP of that mod ? I remember seeing something like this on moddb.

Personally, I wouldn't make an Oblivion tower from a Telvanni tower, rather use vanilla Daedric meshes. I think someone made a mod called "Daedric Tower" and it looked rather convincing.

Other than that, I think your method of Cell-to-Nif and putting it in a Fake Exterior Cell is good. Although I wonder, is it possible to create a Weather Condition that doesn't exist already in the .ini file, in order to make totally new weather conditions ?

Anyway, if you ever release your mod, I think it would be the perfect setting to implenent a quest based on that book by Morian Zenas who gost lost in the realms of Oblivion (The Doors of Oblivion iirc)

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Ymani Hood
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:39 pm

I never released any WIP, once I made a topic asking for a couple of tips about CellToNif and textures. I'd post some images if I had where to put them, they were on Majhost before it went down...

Any chance the tower you're talking about is http://download.fliggerty.com/download--364 one? If not, I'd like to see it. Although I'm starting from the model of a Telvanni Tower the final result shouldn't be too Telvanni-ish, I wanted it to remind both those from TES4 Oblivion and the Daedric Ruins from Morrowind. Interiors are gonna be harder to make :\
As for the weather, as far as I know it is not possible to make new weather contitions, but the Blight Storm Weather looks nice enough. I was thinking of making a new region with 100% chances of Blight Storm Weather.

Hmm, maybe Fyr might be involved in the mod too (he was mentioned in the book). Once the first Deadlands mini-world is made, possibilities are endless :D

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The Time Car
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:32 am

There, found it:


It's not a single mesh however, so it takes a bit of work to recreate that.

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Katie Pollard
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