I use Sutch 9.0 form Dragon Captions. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/16815/? Unfortunately, it contains a couple of floating flora (mandragora, bergamot, aloe...) on the main square. A bit disturbing, when you see a flora 1 meter above the ground...
Now, I tried to ground it, but everytime I try to load this cell (FortSutchCastleExterior, -48, 2) in Construction Set Extended, it crashes. The flora itself is not simply put there - it is triggered by a script (sutchbiult7script). The names of the flora are: flower1ref, pl4ref, pl6ref, pl7ref, pl9ref, pl10ref, pl11ref. So I belive it is not enough to erase just those 5 or 6 flowers - you have to edit the script probably, erase that flora from the script as well. My guess is that you have to rebuilt that script (just by saving it with some button I guess?) I wasn't able to find said flora in Tes4Edit though. But even if I do, there is still this script...
Would someone like to tell me how to do it properly? Or wish to make a patch.