You know all this talk about not being able to account for "Everything" the player is or did is all well and good
The problem is the last three TES games....almost never account for anything the player is or did and thats not saying much
concerning the first two either. yes we have aspects like replacement shop keeps giving banter on the person they're replacing, and even npc's being miffed if you offed someone they cared about as limited as they are. this the most that has ever been done in this regard in TES history.
but at least for all the flak studios like Bioware get....they TRY to account for as much as reasonably possible. not much
of a living breathing world when your efforts amount to very little if any feedback from the game. compared to DAO and *cough* inquisition in this regard, TESV is lacking and its the one that would benefit even greater being an Open world game.
That said TESVI bring it on.