This is not meant to be offensive but I am curious... What are your thoughts on "console dedicated fans" (if you are not one)?
For those who don't know... Simply put, a console really devoted fan is a gamer who is extremely attached to one specific console and will only play on that one gaming console only. These tend to be the gamers whom do get into the whole Sony VS Microsoft fights or does the whole "PC is Master Race" ordeal... (Please note this thread is about thoughts on gamers whom are like this; not for those whom are like this to get into debates about their favorite console of choice).
As for my own thoughts... I don't mind what you prefer but don't got bat-crazy on me when I mention that I have another console or something like that. Seriously, this is a problem I've bumped into at times. (Mostly with other PC gamers). They will go bat-crazy on me for having a X360 and say things like "What's so good about consoles, huh?" ; "Oh, you're a console player? So that means you svck at this?" and other things... (And for the record, I've played games on PC for the same amount of time I've played games on console; this is tracking back to the old PS1 days btw)... Seriously, that kind of stuff annoys me. And I know NOT every "really devoted fan" is like that so I have no dislike for them in general... Just for those who bother me with this kind of crap.
Anyways. What about you? What are your thoughts? Experiences? Or are you a really devoted fan? If so, for what console? And are you respective of other players' choices?
Okay. What is that word even censored? It's not offensive at all (or at least I don't use it for offensive reasons)... Can a moderator answer this for me?