does this bother anyone else about the gaming community?

Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:00 pm

It used to bother me.

I used to game online pretty hardcoe back in the old days of Gamespy. Played the absolute [censored] out of Giants: Citizen Kabuto, and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

The competition could be brutal in G:CK. Anyone who couldn't practice daily got super owned. This was before headsets allowed verbal interaction, and even then the abuse could be quite bad towards 'noobs.' Fact was, if you couldn't devote 4 or 5 hours a day, every day, to playing, you'd better not have thin skin.

These days, my reply to 'hardcoe' gamers who call me a 'casual' gamer in a rude way is the same as my reply to non-gamers who criticize me for playing games at all at age 37. "Meh, I deadlift."

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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:33 pm

Ehhh, people who use 'casual' as a marked insult are usually pretty childish and probably use other l33t speak like 'uber pwned' like they're 15. But at the same time, people casually playing a certain game do tend to ruin the difficulty of some games. They complain "I only have x amount of freetime, the rest is work/school, I should have this game catered to ME and what I enjoy!" and it does really knock down the difficulty absurdly low sometimes as the devs attempt to cater to the vocal minorities.

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:43 pm

off-topic, but I really miss having LAN Partys.. had em all the time back in the day, grab a dozen people have them bring their PCs over and hooking all the PCs up in the basemant until a breaker flips and we have to run an extension cord across the house.. hooking up the N64 and having a mini Goldeneye or Smash Bros tournament..

these days you wanna get a large group together and all you get is a "why? we can just team up over the net"...

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gemma king
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:35 am

Doesn't bother me, I am pretty much a casual gamer.

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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:15 am

Don't really care. I just can't take anyone that uses that term as an insult seriously.

The funny thing is that WoW was made as the casual alternative for Everquest, the casuals are the people that keep the game alive. Look at Wildstar, it was made for the "hardcoe" gamers and the servers were emptied pretty fast and it's already going F2P.

I only raided with LFR simply because I did not want to deal with the toxic guilds, I have seen a lot of guilds get torn apart due to the elitist tearing apart anyone that did not play what they felt was the "right" way to play.

I saw and experienced the easier version of the raid and that was fine enough for me. And frankly I only started raiding in WoD because I was desperate for something fun.

Aside from that I did old expansion dungeon and raids for RP gear.

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kevin ball
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:53 pm

(To me) your play style, taste in games or game mechanics is not indicator of how casual or hardcoe of a gamer you are. The amount of time you play on a weekly basis is the only indicator.

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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:27 am

off-topic, but I really miss having LAN Partys.. had em all the time back in the day, grab a dozen people have them bring their PCs over and hooking all the PCs up in the basemant until a breaker flips and we have to run an extension cord across the house.. hooking up the N64 and having a mini Goldeneye or Smash Bros tournament..

these days you wanna get a large group together and all you get is a "why? we can just team up over the net"...

Those were fun! And the HUGE difference is that you looked at each individual player and saw a human being. Now, with over the internet gaming, we tend to forget that that player is a human being.

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Chris Jones
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:54 pm

oooo.... by this definition, I may be a hard core gamer! Do I have to use this definition? I don't wanna be a hard core gamer :cry:

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:48 pm

Ah, but that's the interesting thing.... I didn't care about any of that, beyond the story and architecture (Bliz has always made such interesting looking places).... the only motivation I ever had towards raids was being able to see the story & art assets that my subscription fees were funding. Of course, I also didn't care much about the loot. So the random thought I periodically had back when I played was wishing that, perhaps for the previous/outdated tiers of raids, they'd make a "sightseer" setting. Just the story. No loot, no monsters, etc. (Of course, then I always realize that part of the story bits are woven into/around the boss fights, so without the enemies, you couldn't actually get it. Ah, well.)

It was just always a bit disappointing that I'd get to experience 90% of the story in each expansion (the questing in each zone while leveling), but then be locked out of the climix/resolution because it was stuck behind a gameplay experience I had zero interest in. :tongue:

I stopped playing before the modern LFR era, but I doubt that it would have appealed to me. No matter how "easy mode" they made it, it would still be the "herd a bunch of people through boss fights" thing that just doesn't sound fun.


And this is another big issue. Like "immersion" and several other frequently-used gaming terms, "casual" and "hardcoe" mean different things to different people/groups. To the Industry, "casual" gamers means one thing. To MMO raiding elitsts, it means another. To PVPers, another. Etc, etc, etc.

I've been gaming pretty steadily for 35 years now. It's one of my primary hobbies. I spend a lot of time on it, enjoy it a lot, read news sites about it, etc. I don't pursue the hardest challenges, raid or pvp in MMOs, care what other people's builds or gearscore are, almost never play on a difficulty beyond "Normal", rarely watch video guides to learn The Best Strategy?.... by your definition, I'm hardcoe. In the "h4rdc0r3 d00dz" view, I'm casual as hell. To the industry, I'm probably just an average customer. :)

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:38 pm

Would you have ever considered joining a guild that could handle that end-game content if it wasn't an "elitist" group, and 100% just a group of people that wanted to get together to do it for fun and were completely casual about it?

Just wondering because I share your ideology on guilds in general in MMO's, but in FFXI(the major mmo that I played) I eventually got to the point where I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and maybe get some of the better equipment for myself, so I got together a group of people that I had played with throughout my career that I knew were all fun-loving and not "Omg you stupid noob you jacked that raid all up with your idiocy!!!". We actually worked together reaaaallly well, and ended up seeing all that we had originally wanted to and then even more beyond that. It was great, and it was a sad day when we eventually disbanded(by consensus, we had seen and done all that everyone wanted, so there was no point beyond casual play, and we all had other groups we had for that), but it was damn fun while it lasted.

On the hardcoe/casual debate itself, Some people might have called me hardcoe in FFXI at some points, even though I never joined an end-game guild, I was an avid solo player, constantly trying to push the boundary of what was possible to take down with my Monk. I took out Genbu by myself, soloed major missions, and took on HNM's that most people required 6 or more people for. It was a blast and quite fun, but it did take a bit of research and planning. I often had groups of people watching me when I was doing stuff, usually just from my social linkshell though as I didn't go out of my way to advertise my exploits like the more well known people did. Never would have looked down on others though for not doing what I did, I knew there were always people better then me, and considering I conversed with most of them and they didn't look down on me, I certainly wouldn't do it to others.

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Madison Poo
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:08 pm

Yeah, but I play a lot, a whole lot, and I'm casual as they come. I play on easy mode in every type of game that I play and pay no attention to any game mechanics. I can truthfully say that I play games at least 4 hours a day and more than that on weekends.

But in my MMOs I have not been on one raid or have any of that cool raid gear.

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jessica Villacis
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:54 am

I guess this is a good thing about Brazilian gamers (at least those who likes consoles and don't play PC games (MOBAS included). We like all types of games and every type of player, you like playing some Mario? Great! Don't like playing Skyrim on master or legendary? That's cool, so, what was you craziest build in the game? and so on. On the other hand, the PC Master Race Priests, they just piss off everybody, Even themselves.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:01 pm

OMG, I can imagine them in some kind of weird robes in an even weirder ceremony with chants about video cards and motherboards!

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