Working on the Fourth and Fifth tests, and have managed to get everyone on board with me being "the Man" except for a few councilors. Orvas Dren, I can't find. People keep saying they've seen him on the top of St. Olm's, but I'm not finding him there.
And then there are three different Redoran councilors that are somewhere between "Mmmmm maybe" to one of them (can't remember the name) who outright says, "When hell freezes over." Had a similar problem with a councilor from another house and some other character (another house lord, I thinik) said, "Kill him."...Tried that with this last councilor and all I got was a warning that I better go back to my last saved game because I just killed an essential component of the prophesies.
Oh, and then there's Varvur Sarethi...The man refuses to feel better, regardless of what I do for him. He says something about an ash statue, which I got rid of a long time ago, but he still says, "Sorry, feeling bad, maybe if you got rid of this ash statue (that isn't there any more)..."