I also really like the climbing in this game
Shopkeepers are a source of work (quests) in this game, so talking to them opens up that possibilty. Innkeepers and other people hanging around may also offer jobs. You can ask people about work and they may tell you names of people to talk to.
As far as daggerfall goes, I'm level 12 and haven't set foot in the city yet. Don't plan on it for some time yet
well i ran into the problem that resolved in me deleting the game and reinstalling it... i have no idea why it wont start the install..
heres what i get when i open d:\
ERROR: you cant play Daggerfall of the cd.. please install the game first blah blah blah..
Illegal command install
got it fixed thanks to this launcher i downloaded. restarted my char because i had to.. im currently at a town named.. bargerly? and am about to head off for one of the innkeepers to retrieve some false gold.. hope it goes well when i play tomorrow.
If you have trouble with any part of the opening dungeon, there's no shame in running to the exit. That last room with an imp, a bat, and a rat can be a pain if you don't have some magic resistance, and I can't figure out why those three would hang out together. I like playing thieves with daggers, so I have a hard time taking on those skeleton warriors.
Also quest wise, don't miss meeting up with the lady agent when she sends you a letter. You can blow off a lot of the main quest till you want to do it, but that part is something that can't wait long. I don't know if you've hit up the shops yet, but click on different shelves to see their inventory. Carts are a very nice buy, and you can access them without leaving the dungeon!