I'm presently using http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D12933&pUp=1, which I very much enjoy and thoroughly endorse.
However, there is one thing about this mod that I dislike compared to my previous follower overhaul mod (Ultimate Follower Overhaul): it does not seem to be possible to set follower's "Importance" level to "Not Important At All," i.e., "Totally Unprotected," aka "You go to -1 health, you DEAD!" in other words, None of this, 'taking a knee' so the baddies automatically redirect their aggro away from you, then once combat is over you regen as if nothing happened . . ." nonsense. My followers should be no less "protected" from death than I am or at least that is the way I would prefer it to play.
It appears that EFF only allows two settings for follower "Importance:" 1. "Default" and 2. "Essential." The latter means of course, that the follower cannot die under any circumstances. It is my understanding based on UESP Wiki, that the "default" importance for all player follower's is automatically set to _at least_ "Protected" (if not Essential for certain quest-related followers).
Apparently "Protected" means they are "more-or-less" unable to die; when they get to zero health they do not die instead they "take a knee" and aggro is automatically redirected. As long as they do not take any additional damage after they have entered this "Bleedout" state, they will regenerate after combat is over.
I would prefer that they just plain die when they get to zero health and that they have no special protection status at all. I've posted on the Nexus page for the mod to let the mod author know of my interest in this, but thought it prudent to ask here, particularly since: maybe this is something that involves relatively simple changes like changing the values for one field in a single file or adding a single line to a file?
If anyone can direct me to the file / field / attribute and what I'd change it to, I would be very grateful.