I'm still not convinced that Talos is necessarily any more "holy" than anyone else 
Consider: have you EVER heard of anyone except the player actually suffering from a disease? As far as I can tell, the only one in the game who ever GETS a disease is the player. Maybe that is because those Shrines are so readily available and the population makes regular use of them. Or maybe it is because diseases do not actually EXIST in Skyrim, and it is just a head game being played on the Dovaikain by jealous Akatosh!?
Think about it, how do we even KNOW that there is a true Pantheon of Gods in Skyrim? Oh sure, there are all these different shrines with different iconography, different holy scriptures and codes of conduct, etc. We supposedly have these different "categories" of divine beings (Daedra, the Nine Divines or Eight and One, and then the myriad other sort of in-between thingies . . .) but apart from having been to Oblivion myself and SEEN IT! I have virtually no proof of the existence of any of these so-called Divines. The ONLY "Diety" I have any recollection of ever having met face-to-face is Sheogorath! 
Maybe there is in fact just ONE divine: Sheogorath, and every other one of them (Talos included) is just a head game dreamed up by the Lord of Insanity himself?
That would explain the fish soup.
Real Footage of Sheogorath: Don't click if you dont' want spoilers:
Spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGdrwN89_kY