Legion Death Squads

Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:08 am

Should have never cleaned em outta Nipton, boy is Caesar angry with me.

Went to try and help the captives and got ambushed out of nowhere. Literally they spawned out of thin air. Outgunned big time I popped a Stealth Boy and ran back the way I came (towards the NCR outpost). Lost em, whew, nowhere in sight. Make it to the Viper-ambush-pit-stop, stealth boy quits, Legion pops up immediately! Frig! Another stealth boy, run, they disappear. Make it to the bottom of the hill, boom here we go again.

Caravan was there to back me up, sweet! I turn to engage, get a half dozen shots off annnndd the caravan is toast. Sorry boys.

Run up the hill soaking up bullets and spamming stims. Comon NCR come down and save me! I killed those ants remember? The shots stop.

Guess they can't climb the hill? Four of em are crouching and dancing like idiots at the bottom. Sweet. Time for revenge.

A slow slow slow revenge...a hundred from the varmint rifle, fifty APs from the same, another 50 from the 10mm and a smooth 90 from the 9mm Smg to close on the last guy. And a few sticks of dynamite in there for flavor.

Moral of the story, holy christ. How does a guy deal with this? Thats all my ammo in one fight and I would have been capital M murdered if they were in range to shoot back. They just soak up the bullets.

Am I going to get hammered everytime I head on down the road? I play dead is dead and don't use fast travel. Sniping from stealth is my play style and doesn't work so well when four tanks spawn in my face.
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Post » Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:43 pm

Yea sorry, I guess someone should have warned you that you mess with the Legion, they will send Assassins after you! Boy, you are already vilified with the Legion? I guess that teaches you to just kill stuff that doesn't attack you?

How were you able to "clean out Nipton"? Did you kill Vulpes? o.0 Yea, no wonder they are pissed hahaha

I would load a prior game and just keep your Legion rep neutral, until you are strong enough to deal with those Assassins. No need to kill the Legion in Nipton, you will have plenty of other opportunities to mess with them.

OR try to make it to the strip, get the plat chip and someone from the Legion will tell you that your "past transgressions" will be forgiven, which will cancel the hit squads... but it's a long way to the strip... so, yea, I would say load a prior save LOL

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Manuel rivera
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:24 am

You've got some more options. If you got the Game of the Year edition, try ducking into Old World Blues. Legion can't get you there, and while OWB is hard, it's a lot more fair at level 5 than facing the wrath of the Legion is at that level.

Alternatively, you can get really good with melee weapons and level up along those lines, farming convicts, powder gangers, geckoes, and radscorpions. With Piercing Strike and Super Slam, any old kitchen knife is powerful enough against armored soldiers and giant radscorpions alike.

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:10 am

Haha true, they weren't hostile at the time. But they had to die for what they did, those evil bastards! They seemed way easier (weaker) than the assassins or am I wrong?

"Attack us and see what happens" I see now!

So I'm stuck with these till I hit the strip and get a pardon eh, sweet fancy moses...

Well I picked up and repaired a cowboy repeater from the outpost, maybe that will help a bit. Gonna try to run back to Primm and Goodsprings for ammo (and Stimpacks...), then try for Novac.

No reloading saves! Dead is dead and this character will die honest. Probably sooner than later haha
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:56 pm

Another thing you can do is dress in Legion armor. It'll give you NCR problems when you happen across their patrols and bases, but the assassins are looking for a Courier. Not one very lost Legionaire. Or for a simple NCR soldier, if you prefer Republican armor.

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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:51 am

Ah, no OWB for me!

I like that melee suggestion, but I love the legion armor one!! I took some off the assasins to sell but havent yet. Blend in with the buggers. Greasy!

That'll get me to Novac for a resupply if nothing else.

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:02 am

They're still nasty even at the higher levels, but at least you get some good loot off them.

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:37 pm

Actions have consequences. You wanted to get involved and now you are :)

This is why this game is a stand out from the pack of modern games.

To deal with the Legion hit squads get a real rifle, something in .308 like a Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle or Hunting Rifle. You need something that hits a lot harder than Varmint Rifle. Even a Service Rifle will have a decent RoF compared to the Varmint.

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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:15 am

Might be a good time to recruit a companion or two if you haven't already. Sounds like you need all the help you can get. At least it gives the hit squads someone else to shoot at.

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Jaki Birch
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