Odd Arille Crash

Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:07 pm

I've been getting a strange CTD whenever I walk towards Arille to start trading. It's been consistent, about 4 or 5 times in a row. Anyone have any ideas what might be happening?

I've tried to post my load order here but for some reason, my copy & paste function isn't working at the moment. You can find it in the comments section on Sotha Sil Expanded here at The Nexus. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Josh Dagreat
Posts: 3438
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:07 am

Post » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:13 am

bryman1970's mod list:

_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_005_ abotWaterLife.esm
_006_ Morrowind Advanced.esm
_007_ MW_Children_1_0.esm
_008_ Rise of House Telvanni.esm
_009_ TR_Data.esm
_010_ TR_Mainland.esm
_011_ MCA.esm
_012_ The Undead.esm
_013_ GDR_MasterFile.esm
_014_ AOF Potions Recolored T+B.esp
_015_ MWE_Base.esp
_016_ MWE_Writing.esp
_017_ MWE_Journal.esp
_018_ indybank-NoHouses.esp
_019_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_020_ abotMoveOrTakeMyPlace.esp
_021_ marcMoriEstate.esp
_022_ MW_ch_orc.esp
_023_ MW_br_im_no_kids.esp
_024_ MW_Public_Library.esp
_025_ Siege at Firemoth.esp
_026_ Daggerfall Collection Ver 1.1 (BTB Edit).esp
_027_ PelagiadWell.esp
_028_ Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
_029_ ASE Complete (BTB Edit).esp
_030_ Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
_031_ NG_New_Carnithus'_Armamentarium.esp
_032_ The Ultimate Knight Shop.esp
_033_ Elders 0 Count NPC add-on (Trib & BM).esp
_034_ Illuminated Windows v1.2.esp
_035_ A_flock_of_seagulls.esp
_036_ Floating weapons.esp
_037_ DN-GDRv1 (BTB Edit).esp
_038_ The Neverhalls.esp
_039_ TLR Hla Oad-Fortress Road.esp
_040_ Make_sure_you_check_this_esp.esp
_041_ The_Ebonheart_Well.esp
_042_ abotThunders&Lightnings.esp
_043_ Illuminated Windows - Bloodmoon v1.2.esp
_044_ BTB - Spells.esp
_045_ Gnisis Riverfront.esp
_046_ Sentinel-V-1.5.esp
_047_ Area Effect Projectiles (PAR Edit).esp
_048_ MW_Adv_Required (BTB Edit).esp
_049_ aru_signs_en.esp
_050_ sm_ForgottenHalls.esp
_051_ Smart_Crosshair.esp
_052_ Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
_053_ LGNPC_NoLore.esp
_054_ Pursuit Enhanced.esp
_055_ Arrow De-nocker.esp
_056_ BTB - Alchemy.esp
_057_ Meteor.esp
_058_ The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
_059_ InventoryHelpers.esp
_060_ BTB - Settings.esp
_061_ DM_DB Armor Replacer-ExpDDBA (BTB Edit).esp
_062_ MDP - Dagon Fel 1.0.ESP
_063_ Ebonheart, Shack Town.esp
_064_ Creatures.esp
_065_ SWH v1.3.esp
_066_ entertainers.esp
_067_ The Undead - TR Addon.esp
_068_ Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp
_069_ Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp
_070_ Protective Guards.esp
_071_ Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod v.2.2.esp
_072_ Westly_Presents_FCOT.esp
_073_ Service Requirements (BTB Edit).esp
_074_ frostmoth_repaired_v0_31.esp
_075_ Emmas_Imperial_heads_1_0.esp
_076_ Random Passive Cliff Racers.esp
_077_ HospitalityPapers.esp
_078_ LGNPC_SeydaNeen.esp
_079_ LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp
_080_ LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp
_081_ LGNPC_MaarGan.esp
_082_ LGNPC_HlaOad.esp
_083_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp
_084_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_suppl.esp
_085_ LGNPC_Pelagiad.esp
_086_ LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp
_087_ LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp
_088_ LGNPC_VivecFQ.esp
_089_ Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp
_090_ LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp
_091_ LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp
_092_ LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp
_093_ LGNPC_VivecRedoran.esp
_094_ LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp
_095_ Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
_096_ Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP
_097_ Books of Vvardenfell.esp
_098_ Better Bodies.esp
_099_ New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
_100_ New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
_101_ BTB NPC Spells Fix.ESP
_102_ KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_2.0.esp
_103_ dh_furn.esp
_104_ dh_furn_stores.esp
_105_ dh_furn-jms_patch.esp
_106_ SimpleSeasons_v1.0.esp
_107_ RoHT CoM Addon.esp
_108_ dh_thriftshop.esp
_109_ ab01JulanRTTpatch.esp
_110_ abotBoatsTR.esp
_111_ abotRiverStridersTR.esp
_112_ MW_ch_elves.esp
_113_ Arvs-Spelun.ESP
_114_ MCA - TR Addon.esp
_115_ The Holiday Mod.esp
_116_ LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp
_117_ Ultimate Knight Shop Leveled 1.1.esp
_118_ Uvirith's Legacy_3.32.esp
_119_ Varo Manor v1.3.esp
_120_ TheBareNecessities.esp
_121_ TheBareNecessities_WaterSources.esp
_122_ TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter.esp
_123_ TheBareNecessities_TR.esp
_124_ TheBareNecessities_WaterSources_TR.esp
_125_ TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter_TR.esp
_126_ The Sable Dragon 1.7.esp
_127_ More Inns.esp
_128_ Pelagiad Smith 1.0.esp
_129_ Imperial Presence.esp
_130_ Vivec Fine Furnishings 1.1.esp
_131_ Dramatic Vivec.esp
_132_ Clear Your Name.esp
_133_ Dreamersixpansion.ESP
_134_ Mills of Morrowind.esp
_135_ Abandoned Dwemer Observatory.esp
_136_ Clean Tales of Seyda Neen.esp
_137_ CoM_Fix.ESP
_138_ New Gnisis 1.2.ESP
_139_ A Hermit's Request.esp
_140_ Racc's Chitin House.esp
_141_ Suran Supplies 1.1.esp
_142_ Vivec Weapons 1.1.esp
_143_ The Silver Barrel.ESP
_144_ Blightward Player Home.ESP
_145_ Seyda Supplies 1.1.esp
_146_ Enhanced Economics 2.1.esp
_147_ Dreamersixpansion+DNGDR_patch.ESP
_148_ Real_wildlife_2b Complete.esp
_149_ UL_Chess_Add-on.esp
_150_ UL_3.3_MWSE_Add-on.esp
_151_ UL_CoM_Add-on.esp
_152_ UL_3.3_RoHT_1.52_Add-on.esp
_153_ UL_3.3_TR_14.08_Add-on.esp
_154_ TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp
_155_ UL_TLM_Ambiance.esp
_156_ TLM - Complete.esp
_157_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp
_158_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp
_159_ EcoAdjCrime (Tresspass Edit).esp
_160_ EcoAdjMerchantSkills (Disposition Edit).esp
_161_ Clean Chargen_Revamped_v2_3.esp
_162_ BTB - Character.esp
_163_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp
_164_ BTB - Equipment.esp
_165_ Nasty Cammona Tong.esp
_166_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_167_ Vurt's Grazelands Unique Trees.ESP
_168_ Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP
_169_ Vurt's Leafy West Gash.esp
_170_ MQE_MainQuestEnhancers.ESP
_171_ Ships of the Imperial Navy.esp
_172_ Imperial Tradehouse.esp
_173_ MCA - Westly's FCOT Addon.esp
_174_ TradeDisputes.esp
_175_ BLLDV_ALL.esp
_176_ Tealpanda's Alchemy Essentials.esp
_177_ TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp
_178_ Mashed Lists.esp

Anything in your warnings.txt, bryman1970?
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Posts: 3441
Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:19 pm

Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:24 am

Strange. I clicked the BBCodeMode tab and it's allowing me to copy & paste now. So yes, the warning.txt had these messages:


Not able to find Ankle part in RT_T_Pants1_M_a.
Not able to find Knee part in RT_T_Pants1_M_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in RT_T_Pants1_M_ul.
Not able to find Ankle part in rt_pants_MW32_a.
Not able to find Knee part in rt_pants_MW32_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in rt_pants_MW32_ul.
Not able to find Knee part in RTJEB_nin_pants_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in RTJEB_nin_pants_ul.
Not able to find Ankle part in rt_pants_MW32_a.
Not able to find Knee part in rt_pants_MW32_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in rt_pants_MW32_ul.
Not able to find Ankle part in emc_rt_p_br_21_a.
Not able to find Knee part in emc_rt_p_br_21_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in emc_rt_p_br_21_ul.
Not able to find Knee part in RTJEB_nin_pants_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in RTJEB_nin_pants_ul.
Not able to find Knee part in RTJEB_nin_pants_k.
Not able to find Upper Leg part in RTJEB_nin_pants_ul.

It looks like clothing is missing, although I could be wrong. The only clothing mod I'm currently using is Westly's Fine Clothiers of Tamriel mod. I initially thought maybe I was missing some of those files, so I reloaded the mod into my Data files, but I still get the crash and the warning messages. It almost looks like it has something to do with the Julan companion mod or the Julan RTT patch.

I'm not sure if my load order has changed since I last posted it, so here it is again:


_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_005_ abotWaterLife.esm
_006_ Morrowind Advanced.esm
_007_ MW_Children_1_0.esm
_008_ Rise of House Telvanni.esm
_009_ TR_Data.esm
_010_ TR_Mainland.esm
_011_ MCA.esm
_012_ The Undead.esm
_013_ GDR_MasterFile.esm
_014_ Westly_Presents_FCOT.esp
_015_ adamantiumarmor.esp
_016_ indybank-NoHouses.esp
_017_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_018_ abotMoveOrTakeMyPlace.esp
_019_ marcMoriEstate.esp
_020_ MW_ch_orc.esp
_021_ MW_br_im_no_kids.esp
_022_ MW_Public_Library.esp
_023_ Siege at Firemoth.esp
_024_ Daggerfall Collection Ver 1.1 (BTB Edit).esp
_025_ PelagiadWell.esp
_026_ Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
_027_ ASE Complete (BTB Edit).esp
_028_ Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
_029_ NG_New_Carnithus'_Armamentarium.esp
_030_ The Ultimate Knight Shop.esp
_031_ Elders 0 Count NPC add-on (Trib & BM).esp
_032_ Illuminated Windows v1.2.esp
_033_ A_flock_of_seagulls.esp
_034_ Floating weapons.esp
_035_ DN-GDRv1 (BTB Edit).esp
_036_ The Neverhalls.esp
_037_ TLR Hla Oad-Fortress Road.esp
_038_ Make_sure_you_check_this_esp.esp
_039_ The_Ebonheart_Well.esp
_040_ abotThunders&Lightnings.esp
_041_ Illuminated Windows - Bloodmoon v1.2.esp
_042_ BTB - Spells.esp
_043_ Gnisis Riverfront.esp
_044_ Sentinel-V-1.5.esp
_045_ Area Effect Projectiles (PAR Edit).esp
_046_ MW_Adv_Required (BTB Edit).esp
_047_ aru_signs_en.esp
_048_ sm_ForgottenHalls.esp
_049_ Smart_Crosshair.esp
_050_ Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
_051_ LGNPC_NoLore.esp
_052_ Pursuit Enhanced.esp
_053_ Arrow De-nocker.esp
_054_ BTB - Alchemy.esp
_055_ Meteor.esp
_056_ The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
_057_ InventoryHelpers.esp
_058_ BTB - Settings.esp
_059_ DM_DB Armor Replacer-ExpDDBA (BTB Edit).esp
_060_ MDP - Dagon Fel 1.0.ESP
_061_ Ebonheart, Shack Town.esp
_062_ Creatures.esp
_063_ SWH v1.3.esp
_064_ The Undead - TR Addon.esp
_065_ Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp
_066_ Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp
_067_ Protective Guards.esp
_068_ Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod v.2.2.esp
_069_ Service Requirements (BTB Edit).esp
_070_ frostmoth_repaired_v0_31.esp
_071_ Emmas_Imperial_heads_1_0.esp
_072_ Random Passive Cliff Racers.esp
_073_ HospitalityPapers.esp
_074_ LGNPC_SeydaNeen.esp
_075_ LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp
_076_ LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp
_077_ LGNPC_MaarGan.esp
_078_ LGNPC_HlaOad.esp
_079_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp
_080_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_suppl.esp
_081_ LGNPC_Pelagiad.esp
_082_ LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp
_083_ LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp
_084_ LGNPC_VivecFQ.esp
_085_ Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp
_086_ LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp
_087_ LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp
_088_ LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp
_089_ LGNPC_VivecRedoran.esp
_090_ LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp
_091_ Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
_092_ Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP
_093_ Books of Vvardenfell.esp
_094_ Better Bodies.esp
_095_ New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
_096_ New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
_097_ BTB NPC Spells Fix.ESP
_098_ KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_2.0.esp
_099_ dh_furn.esp
_100_ dh_furn_stores.esp
_101_ dh_furn-jms_patch.esp
_102_ SimpleSeasons_v1.0.esp
_103_ RoHT CoM Addon.esp
_104_ dh_thriftshop.esp
_105_ ab01JulanRTTpatch.esp
_106_ abotBoatsTR.esp
_107_ abotRiverStridersTR.esp
_108_ MW_ch_elves.esp
_109_ Arvs-Spelun.ESP
_110_ MCA - TR Addon.esp
_111_ The Holiday Mod.esp
_112_ LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp
_113_ Ultimate Knight Shop Leveled 1.1.esp
_114_ Uvirith's Legacy_3.32.esp
_115_ Varo Manor v1.3.esp
_116_ TheBareNecessities.esp
_117_ TheBareNecessities_WaterSources.esp
_118_ TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter.esp
_119_ TheBareNecessities_TR.esp
_120_ TheBareNecessities_WaterSources_TR.esp
_121_ TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter_TR.esp
_122_ The Sable Dragon 1.7.esp
_123_ More Inns.esp
_124_ Pelagiad Smith 1.0.esp
_125_ Imperial Presence.esp
_126_ Vivec Fine Furnishings 1.1.esp
_127_ Dramatic Vivec.esp
_128_ Clear Your Name.esp
_129_ Dreamersixpansion.ESP
_130_ Mills of Morrowind.esp
_131_ Abandoned Dwemer Observatory.esp
_132_ Clean Tales of Seyda Neen.esp
_133_ CoM_Fix.ESP
_134_ New Gnisis 1.2.ESP
_135_ A Hermit's Request.esp
_136_ Racc's Chitin House.esp
_137_ Suran Supplies 1.1.esp
_138_ Vivec Weapons 1.1.esp
_139_ The Silver Barrel.ESP
_140_ Blightward Player Home.ESP
_141_ Seyda Supplies 1.1.esp
_142_ Enhanced Economics 2.1.esp
_143_ Dreamersixpansion+DNGDR_patch.ESP
_144_ Real_wildlife_2b Complete.esp
_145_ EBQ_Artifact.esp
_146_ entertainers.esp
_147_ master_index.esp
_148_ UL_Chess_Add-on.esp
_149_ UL_3.3_MWSE_Add-on.esp
_150_ UL_CoM_Add-on.esp
_151_ UL_3.3_RoHT_1.52_Add-on.esp
_152_ UL_3.3_TR_14.08_Add-on.esp
_153_ TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp
_154_ UL_TLM_Ambiance.esp
_155_ TLM - Complete.esp
_156_ DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp
_157_ Kaylas_Kick-Knacks.esp
_158_ Ald Velothi - Khuul Transport.esp
_159_ Ald Redaynia Extended COM.esp
_160_ THTWG - Framerate Version.esp
_161_ Great Library of West Gash.esp
_162_ Valhalla Lodge.esp
_163_ Object_Duality.ESP
_164_ Khuul Expansion 1.4.esp
_165_ Bridgewater Blacksmith 1.1.esp
_166_ Ruby Inn.esp
_167_ Beasts of Vvardenfell.esp
_168_ OJAI - Framerate Version.esp
_169_ DBHQ.ESP
_170_ Redaynia Village.esp
_171_ AOF Potions Recolored T+B.esp
_172_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp
_173_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp
_174_ EcoAdjCrime (Tresspass Edit).esp
_175_ EcoAdjMerchantSkills (Disposition Edit).esp
_176_ Clean Chargen_Revamped_v2_3.esp
_177_ BTB - Character.esp
_178_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp
_179_ BTB - Equipment.esp
_180_ Nasty Cammona Tong.esp
_181_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_182_ Vurt's Grazelands Unique Trees.ESP
_183_ Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP
_184_ Vurt's Leafy West Gash.esp
_185_ MQE_MainQuestEnhancers.ESP
_186_ Ships of the Imperial Navy.esp
_187_ Imperial Tradehouse.esp
_188_ MCA - Westly's FCOT Addon.esp
_189_ TradeDisputes.esp
_190_ BLLDV_ALL.esp
_191_ Tealpanda's Alchemy Essentials.esp
_192_ TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp
_193_ Mashed Lists.esp

Edit: I tried removing the JulanRTT patch followed by the actual Julan Companion mod. I still got the crash and the warning messages are still there. I found this thread from 2010 (http://www.gamesas.com/morrowind-crashes-t33097.html) showing someone else was missing some of the same things. Looks like it may have been a load order issue though. I use mlox to sort my mods in the correct order (or at least I HOPE it's the correct load order).
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Javier Borjas
Posts: 3392
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Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:26 am

If I may ask, why post a link to a thread on a http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1532520-knock-off-forum-stealing-content/ that's known to scrap content from here. I see no point doing that since we have no clue what post that were originally posted by whom. :shrug:

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Dagan Wilkin
Posts: 3352
Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:20 am

Post » Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:43 am

I was just looking for answers and I saw that so I thought I'd share it in hopes it would solve my problem and possibly others. That's the first I've heard anything about "forum stealing". If I have an issue, I'm looking for a mod, or if I need random information about anything related to The Elder Scrolls or whatnot, I use Google. The more options there are to finding some answers, the better as far as I'm concerned. I didn't realize it was such a sore spot for some people.

Aside from all that, I'm still trying to find a solution. Anyone?
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