1. Old gen consoles are not $400, not even new top of the lone models are $400. Honestly, I haven't seen a $400 PS3 or X360 since 2011.
2. I agree with most of this. It is harder to diagnose a console. Though like a PC, the solution is some sort of part replacementioned which you can do yourself. Easier to diagnose a PC. The most complex repairs on a console as well are probably more complex than PC. That said, upkeep is everything and a console is easier to upkeep.
3. You'be never scratched a PC CD? At least with Sony, they'be been using BrD for 10 years now...they are extremely resiliant. Plus not hard to buff a CD or a BrD. Also never heard of a game downloaded from PSN or XBLM that ruined a console.
5. It has always been more difficult to copy console games. The main point is though it's A LOT harder to trade in PC games. I don't think Gamestop for example has accepted them in over 5 years
6. Agreed about the vs. However still need to provide a kb/m with PC unless it comes with it. At least that first controller is always included.
7. I see it all the time still on console where a duplicate name shows up online with a -2 next to it (or similar, showing a second player). Plus you don't see all the split screen stuff if it's not online...it still happens. And people still use the old consoles too for it.
Dont think of Mark as one-sided. He is about as impartial as they come. Though he will push one side of the topic if that is what a thread is dedicated too.
Both offer their advantages and disadvantages, and both can offer anywhere from casual to hardcoe to elite competitive experiences. Pick what works best for you