Hi, crazy wish here, so if impossible, dont mind, not much of a hope actually.
With so many tools and mods out there, im sure everyone sometimes want to try a new mod and find out his/her current game is incompatible with it, because some mods cant be removed. And find a pain to redo the vanilla quests up to the point he is again.
So out of thought,... any way or idea to reproduce the old savegame to continue it as a vanilla game non modded? What i think should be necessary:
1) the quests already done and the started ones: set quest stage, get important loot, and kill importat npc/monsters/bosses in them (not necessary to set terrarin, lvl, etc, meaningless)
2) player lvl, and skills, replacing him on same location thatn old game.
3) Inventory with vanilla itens and gear (not new ones from mods).
4) Chests with placed itens and world placed itens by player (house itens placed on table, etc)
5) vanilla spells and dragon souls (and same named dragons dead)
ok no... what are the alternatives?