So I'm a YouTuber and I was sitting back this evening, looking at the Bethesda Store (drooling at all the merchandise I can't afford) (I'm obsessed with Fallout), and I started making a list, kind of like a wish list in my head, of things I hope are in Fallout 4, or things I wish could be in Fallout 4. I know MrMattyPlays (god of all Fallout 4 videos on YouTube, did a short series for a while that dealt with Wish lists but it was only from his perspective).
I was wondering if we could compile a list of things we want in Fallout 4 (or wish for) as a community so that perhaps I could make a few videos and so we could have discussions of the probability of it actually happening.
Things that I would love (wish) to see would be...
1. ( I know a lot of the community wants this as well) Duel wielding, whether it be pistols, maybe even shot guns! That would be so legit! It's possible in Skyrim (with weapons and with magic) so why not finally in Fallout? I was thinking maybe based on the weapons they could still work with the V.A.T.S system. Perhaps if you had two weapons you might sacrifice accuracy, or fire power since you're fire both weapons at the same time. Duel Snipers would be sick! (Is that too much like Borderlands 2?)
2. Local, or buddy to buddy 2-4 player cooperative and or Multiplayer. Obviously we don't want Fallout 4 to turn into an MMO (we already have the Elder Scrolls Online), but wouldn't it be awesome to actually game with a friend or up to 4? Running through the wasteland, marveling at the awesomeness and experiencing it together? It would be like having a few over powered companions (who are actually smart, depending on the friends you pick XD). Obviously bosses would have to be vamped up and there would have to be a loot system, who thinks it would work?
3. Real-time changing environments. I know the E3 showcase of Fallout 4 revealed we can now build houses, strongholds and more WHICH IS AWESOME! But wouldn't it be cool for Fallout 4 to run similar to (the Rift) (not how the game runs, but out the Environments change).. Like let’s say you make a decision or kill specific members of a faction that would be cool if the faction changed their headquarters, or completely moved them somewhere else. I know that Fallout has a major immersive storyline, and choices you make have HUGE impacts, but what if your choices also changed the Environment? (Just a thought)
4. Steam Workshop mods, I know you can work with Nexus and other incredible websites to apply mods to Fallout 3 and New Vegas but there's issues with that. When using Nexus it can sometimes be very complicated to learn how to use a mod the right way without screwing up your game, you have to move around so many files... do this, do that, (sacrifice your first born child... jk) And you have the threat of third party websites perhaps adding viruses to the mods (such as the issued with GTAV), I think Steam finally allowing people to mod Fallout 3, New Vegas and especially Fallout 4 when it comes out would be AWESOME!, Character Skins (I would love to run around as a Hobbit from Lord of the Rings, or as Pikachu in Fallout 4), also the ability to add weapon skins, new maps, smarter and more sophisticated companions and more!
5. Vehicles and Mounts. Fallout 3 and New Vegas (to the best of my knowledge) had Vehicles but none of them were drivable, Fallout 4 is open world so why not Vehicles and Mounts? (You used vehicles for certain quests in the fallout games, but were never able to control it personally). It would be sweet to blast around the wasteland in a battle vehicle or ride creatures such as the behemoth, IT WOULD BE AWESOME!
6. Tame creatures to use as pets or companions. (So obviously we've all seen the trailer, we know about the dog) but how cool would it be to have a "class" or skill to tame specific creatures (as mounts or pets), and be able to level them up alongside you or something? (It may sound a little like Pokémon but guys it’s a wish list!). It would be sweet to have a Giant Mole Rat or Wastwolf as a pet)
7. Flying Vehicles, somewhere along the same note as the driving vehicles, it would be sweet to fly around the wonderful world of Fallout 4 and experience it from the sky.
8. The ability to stream your own music from the real life PipBoy (with the collector’s edition). The real life PipBoy has me extremely excited (I'm hoping it will work with my iPod or my Android phone) the music in Fallout has always been AMAZING! But how sweet would it be to blast some AWOLNATION - (Sail) while battling a boss? Or some Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) while mysteriously searching the wasteland for amazing things. You could stream it through the PipBoy (if you have it) or internally add the tracks to the game, you could easily switch between the game music and your music. If multiplayer actually existed you could also use the PipBoy as a mic too.
9. This is kind of a wish and a hope, they talked a little about what the real life PipBoy will do but could it replace the PipBoy menu completely (if you had it) to the point to where you wouldn't have to use it in game? It would be sweet to never have to use the menu in the game ever again, you could just look at your wrist, pause the game, search for items (Switch armor or weapons, ect.. ect..) all while looking at your arm, It would finally build something exciting between game and mobile, I know games have tried before (like Assassins Creed Black Flag with its Fleet app, but those usually are a pain to use and most of the time useless.) if the PipBoy actually worked that way it would be amazing.
10. Epic DLC’s. There have been MANY “Leaks” (take with a grain of salt) and rumors that there will be 5 different DLC’s for Fallout 4, releasing after November all the way through the beginning of 2016. So far we all think that we only get to play one protagonist, supposedly we don’t even get to customize our own character (other than armor, weapons, etc.. but that’s only a rumor) It would be neat if the DLC’s would let you play other characters stories (some type of DLC that would go deeper into the Lore of Fallout). Also what happened between the 10 years of Fallout 4 and Fallout 3? Maybe a DLC in between those years would be amazing.
(Added by Reddit Users)
11. Hoping Fallout 4 isn’t delayed or have a horrible launch. November is already 7 months away and we are all excited to see what else is released for game details up until that point. BUT if the game WAS delayed into next year it would be heart breaking, Doom was supposed to come out in 2014? I believe, and it had been delayed to the point where fans almost thought it was cancelled until it was shown at E3. Next an amazing launch would be great (Bethesda is usually amazing with its launched A.K.A – Skyrim, Fallout 3, even the Evil Within, let’s hope it’s not an extremely bad launch like *cough cough* Assassins Creed Unity and Battlefield 4.
12. A more Diverse faction system, it would be sweet to be in the “grey” like in Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim (Skyrim with the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Mage circle and more added numerous options to do side quests for factions as well as be members of many factions, Fallout New Vegas had a similar option, unlike Fallout 3 which was either *black or white*. It would be sweet to join as many factions as you wanted OR if you joined one faction another one would get pissed off, it would be hilarious!
This is mostly what I have right now, it's just some things I've had on my mind, I would love to hear what my Fellow Fallout community and friends think (I'd love to add your ideas to this list) or discuss any points with you! I know you guys are as stoked as I am and November can't come sooner!