I'd fall into the why pre-order at this point. Now once the collector edition is announced I will change my tune
I'd fall into the why pre-order at this point. Now once the collector edition is announced I will change my tune
Too soon to tell. I'll wait until after I learn a little bit more about the game. If there aren't any deal-breakers like the trailer showed (voiced protagonist) then I'll pre-order for the Xbox One and then purchase the PC version when it's a little cheaper or the platinum edition comes out.
As it is I purchased Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas as well as all their accompanying DLC for both Xbox and PC.
Currently undecided. Before I make any decisions on Fallout 4, I need to see more than a 3 minute theatrical trailer.
It's pretty much a certaintay that I will buy the game, but whether I pre order ar wait till after the game releases, is undecided. At the monet, I'm leaning more towards waiting till we get some consumer reviews.
Naturally, there will be those that praise FO4 for being the best thing since sliced bread, and it's the bestest game Bethesda has ever produced. On the other hand, there will be those who take every opportunity to tell those who enjoy the game how wrong they are to like it, and that it is yet another abomination to the franchise much the same way as FO3 was. I pay very little attention to both these kinds of people. Consumers who are able to tell others what they enjoy about it, and what they don't enjoy about it, are the consumers who can give an honest unbiased opinion...and that means alot to me.
I don't understand why anyone has voted to not buy the game. We saw a cinematic trailer and have only really confirmed the settings and that the graphics will be slightly worse than the cinematic trailer (for obvious reasons). Saying you're already burned is just stupid, you don't know anything about the game, unless you really hate boston.
Now, I can see it as a possibility if you didn't like fallout 3 but if you didn't like fallout 3 what the heck are you doing here? You do realize Fallout 4 is the sequel to Fallout 3, right?
I will be pre-ordering. Not because I'm fanboying it but because theres only two games I have a chance at getting this year which isn't very many so I mine as well pre-order them and hope for the best. Not to mention, even if the game is much worse than Fallout 3, I'll still love it for at least one playthrough.
EDIT: Oh duh, people are saying they're not going to buy it because they're complaining about a rumored feature or another that hasn't been confirmed and they think if they say they're not going to buy it bethesda will change this even though there mightn't be anything to change. Thats the only logical guess really.
I'll preorder but not until some key issues are put to rest.
Wait until the game goes on Steam sale, maybe even longer. Why rush to buy new games when there are so many great old (or not so old games) sitting on my shelves?
I'll wait for more information and gameplay reveals before I decide - I love BGS though and Fallout 3 still ranks in my Top 10 Games List. The world, lore and atmosphere is so original and unique. I love just about every aspect of it!
I was very burnt out with Skyrim though. It was very disappointing for me and the only ES games I never finished (excluding Arena),
Going to Pre-Order after E3 so I have a better idea of what I'm buying. Oh and I'll bring my Cap collection when I pick the game up. I'll go. Here's the Caps give me the game!
I'll probably pre-order.
I love Fallout so much that even a mediocure game would still be well worth the money to me, so I don't see pre-ordering as a risk in this case.
Even though I was burned by Skyrim on the PS3 version, now I have a gaming PC I will be pre-ordering. It will be strange not playing a Bethesda game on PS3 first which I have done for Oblivion, Fallout 3 + NV and Skyrim when they released.
I'll wait until we can be sure that there are no paid mods.
The only game I ever pre-ordered was Skyrim from Gamestop, and that was because I wanted the map. I see no reason to pre-order something from a digital store. Well, I may buy it the day before release so that I can have it downloaded when the clock strikes twelve, but I'm not sure that counts as pre-ordering.
I'm probably going to get it when it is released but I have no interest in pre-purchasing/ordering it since there's no point to it. It's not like they will run out of digital copies of the game for me to download.
I didn't think to add that option and it iis one I should have considered. Renting should be an option too.
I was planning to wait and buy it later, but green man gaming has a 23% off voucher for games which is about to end, so I went ahead and bought it and saved money. I know I would end up buying it eventually, so might as well get that over with.
Why not? I couldn't imagine experiencing the bugs and glitches early Fallout 3 / NV beta testers experienced. I already caught wind of that frustration buying Skyrim Day 1. Backwards dragons anyone? That whole deal with Broken Steel allowing Fallout 3 to be playable after the ending?
What's next? A DLC that allows you to mute the voiced protagonist and play as a female? Lol, I avoided most of those issues, being a late adopter, purchasing both GOTY bundles.
I'll definitely be content watching a few gameplay vids while catching up on my backlog from last gen in the meantime.
My purchase plans are to find out more about the game, then decide whether or not it is worth pre-ordering or wait till after release.
I wonder how many people here saying they will preorder or have already done so will come back [censored]ing about how they were burned.
It won′t be a day 1 purchase nor will it be a GOTY purchase. I usually wait for one to two patches to come out and then buy it. Skyrim I believe was actually an exception to the rule however. By the looks of it I got it in December 2011. And only started to experience problems with the last patch ( ILS anyone? ).