Big Thread Of Wishes ?
This is something i do for every game i like in this case "love", this is not a criticism or anything like that, at this point this is my tradition and i really want to see these changes come to life to make this already awesome product close to perfect, also developers are busy people maybe some of them are lurking in our forums, you never know 

+same eerie sound when you did something bad
+equipped weapons visible when holstered
+"please stand by" sound while you talk to radio djs when youre interacting with them
+npc reaction when doing something weird (like putting a bucket on someones head)
+faction and settlement realations
+your general status on the karma chart (savior of wasteland,antihero etc...)
+power armor damage modelling and scarring when damaged
+same voice actors for player but at least the ability to change the picht and tonation at the begining of the game (or maybe a classic mute player option)
+Mutated Chickens !
+npc warnings while in stealth mode (looking at their container or safes etc)
+water droplets and wet armor clothing
+custom radio option with npc vjs
Awesome ideas people replied
: a keyring, a holotape log, a folder for all your notes, the ability to relock doors if you've got the key, much much better gore (the gore is actually worse this time around) and maybe, just maybe, actual functional lipsyncing, just to name a few.Maybe terminals you could actually type into. Kinda cheesy I know, but nothing beats your own apocalyptic log.
A Quest Chest, literally something you interact with and it only accepts quest items, so you can store them away from your inventory to reduce the end game clutter.
A sentry bot companion. C'mon guys, Mr Handy's svck.
Intelligent Deathclaws. I KNOW THEY'RE OUT THERE.
Maybe just maybe, letting characters recognise your combat prowess via your kill count statistic and level. Fed up of being talked down to when I could murder everyone in a kilometer radius without breaking a sweat.
Ability to command NPCs to do something and actually find them doing it. Taking over a raider group, telling them to raid for scrap, checking a terminal to see their weekly planned raid, heading to the location to join them (or ignore them and leave it to chance they succeed)
Better, improved radiant AI. It hasn't changed at all since Oblivion, except in a couple of irrelevant features, like leaning on walls, or noticing you pick up stuff.
Couriers man, couriers. Or a designated NPC you could hire purely for carrying stuff. A caravan person who followed you but waited outside dungeons, that you could load up with loot, which you sent them to sell, which they'd sell FOR you, and give you a slice of the profits.
Bullets that didn't look like you were firing fireflies. Weapons that didn't sound like they were toys.
More VATS detail, including aiming for eyes, groin, hands, kneecaps, body parts such as attached grenades...etc leading to better, in depth critical hits. Even a VATS style X-Ray showing a holographic skeleton and the bones breaking when a critical limb cripple was achieved.
"Couriers man, couriers. Or a designated NPC you could hire purely for carrying stuff. A caravan person who followed you but waited outside dungeons, that you could load up with loot, which you sent them to sell, which they'd sell FOR you, and give you a slice of the profits."
When you shot a gun/E. weapon there was a chance of keeping the spent casing. While I know ammo crafting is out, it would be cool to beable to break-down .50 shell cassings for the metal.
For example if you do a pile of BoS missions you start getting positive feed back. I remember in NV that even though you were allowed "in" you spent a lot of time getting muttering misstrustful comments from the NPCs. It felt like you'd earned your place in their ranks by the end of it. Similarly with the NCR and legion. I know diamond city has it but it feels strange that in your settlements you're looked at like "who's this guy?" even after 20 quests.
- Targeting Visor in the Power Armor differentiates between friends and foes. Different colors.
- Targeting Visor stops coloring when you're in conversation mode
- Gatling laser automaticly loads lowest % core when you equip the weapon
- Power armor automaticly loads lowest % core when one runs out during use
- Medic power armor mod lets me set the % health for when to activate
- Items you place no longer clip through objects and fall into the earth (I want to decorate goddamit!)
- Filter option on all lists
- Store all non-equipped arms/armor
- Retrieve all arms/armor (rather than just all items)
- A button to stop auto-snapping in construction mode
- A basic wooden pole in construction mode that has no clipping restrictions
- More lenient clipping restrictions for placing things deeper into the ground
- A scrap option that includes "and remove all mods"
- An option to have helmets removed during conversation
- Since the follower AI gets stuck on debris/elevators/their own goddam feet every 5 minutes, I'd like a "Teleport follower to my side and put him on his feet again" button, but it can be locked during combat.
Not sure if someone has mentioned this or not, but it would be nice if the holotapes you haven't yet listened to and notes you haven't yet read were somehow highlighted or marked in your PipBoy so you knew.
- ability to order items by type... such as grouping all torso armor to compare them together
- ability to SORT items while crafting
- ability to ask dogmeat to bring his inventory to workshop base while you keep exploring (think torchlight pet)
- on screen icon or notification on settlements being attacked, often we forget it is happening until defense fails and settlement is wiped
- keyboard shortcuts for dogmeat "search mode"... going into dialog with dog everytime you want him to search is tedious at best
- ability to "pin" some items, so they always show up top of the list in your inventory... prevents you from digging and scrolling 9 screens down to click that "rad-x" or psycho that's always too far down (if you say use favorites, i use that for guns only, no room for all the chems and stuff)