ps4 has the touchpad speaker in the controller light bar and the ps4 is better that the xbox one
ps4 has the touchpad speaker in the controller light bar and the ps4 is better that the xbox one
I doubt one will get anything different than the other.
They said Knights of the Nine was going to be a PS3 exclusive and look how that turned out.
The only difference is PC gets modding capability.
I doubt it. The Ps4 is more powerful but the gap don't seem as big as it use to be. Most games on the PS4 and XB1 look and run the same now. If there is it's a small amount.
Oh boy, a touchpad speaker. The true next-gen experience is here. PS4 better that Xbox One confirmed.
But in all seriousness, considering both consoles differ very little from each other, I doubt it. The only way the game is probably going to look any different on any platform will probably be from extensive modding on the PC.
Well... the most obvious ways, the graphics.
I doubt it. The differences between the two are a lot smaller than what some of the fans would have you believe. Textures might look a wee bit nicer, but nothing really worth mentioning.
I'm also a little bit doubtful they will be doing an exclusivity deals again after the complaints from last time. And I think that's the way it SHOULD be. I'm getting it on PC (for teh modz) and Xbox (I like the controller more and play Halo with my buddies). I don't want to be missing out on anything, nor would I want my fellow PS4 gamers to if the tables were reversed.
How much more powerful is the PS4 than the X-One? Much more, or just a little bit? Something small like upgrading a PC with a 6-month newer graphics card?
The PS4 will probably have a few small differences because of the Touchpad. On The Witcher 3 you can swipe to different directions to open different menus instead of going start-> alchemy,map,character, etc. Fallout 4 will probably do the same thing with the Pip-Boy. Also, it's possible that the radio will play not only on your TV speakers, but on the controller speakers as well. The light on the Dualshock will possibly change color depending on your health.
Again, this is all small stuff, but it's present in most games.
the reality was that most non exclusive developers ended up building a game for whichever system has the lowest overall specs from there point of view so they did not need to do as much work on the port, and the "system exclusive" stuff mostly just cheesed off the part of there own player base that actually cared about that stuff.
It's barely more powerful than the XB1.
It's doesn't because the Ouya is the best. Ouya gaming master race!
Oh thanks if it's only a little bit then it's no big deal.
PS4 might display Fallout in a better resolution, or will have better aliasing. Or they might be the same with no difference at all. The point is...we don't know.
That would be pretty cool. Not exactly game changing, but cool.
Still getting it for PC though, until proven otherwise, I feel it's risky bying Bethesda products on any console. Plus, mods.