Perhaps a little too much saturated colors?

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:39 pm

About the saturation...

We are only looking at brief glimpses of in-progress design put together for a PR teaser - it's far too early for me to be making any certain declarations about my opinions on the game's color scheme when we haven't even seen actual gameplay yet. But when you release a video for a game you're making you can expect people will form opinions based on what they've seen. So I while I think it's a tad early to be making any firm decisions on how I feel about the game's visuals, people are of course going to have first impressions about what they've seen.

Personally - even NV employed a variety of filters for different locales within the game (and to a lesser and more subtle degree so did Fallout 3.) The more notable examples in New Vegas were the greenish tints you got in the radiated zones (it's been a couple of years so I'm foggy on the specific areas,) and of course most of the DLC also employed their own color filters.

So for Fallout 4 I would expect (and hope for) a mix of areas that have more saturated colors, and other environments with a more washed-out look. I just saw the new Mad Max a few weeks ago (and loved it!) and I think that's a pretty good example of how you can portray a world like that using a wide variety of color schemes while still maintaining a cohesive visual style.

I would imagine that if there are any segments showing us Pre-War events that they'd be a little more colorful - to contrast that with the desolation of the Wasteland. Visually, Bethesda's vision of Fallout hinges to no small extent on the play of contrasts. Anything Pre-War is highly idealized to an iconic degree, specifically to bring greater contrast and impact to that desolation. And likewise I would expect to see more vibrant colors mixed in with the usual muddled browns when I go into a more settled town, to contrast with the devastated areas I would be exploring.

In short, I don't think we'll be looking at just one color scheme with Fallout 4; but rather we'll be experiencing at least some variety. Even Skyrim showed us this, with various filters and color schemes being applied depending on what areas you are exploring.

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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:42 pm

By the new trailer we saw that the colors are just fine ^^ ... The oversaturation might have been only some issue with the previous trailer .... Fallout 4 looks great!
I am just wondering if the updated creation engine will feature new things now .
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