I'm having a problem finding a good way to word this.
When I first start up the game it shows the proper screenshots for the last play session. But subsequent saves will show the same screenshot over and over.
Example for clarification: (maybe)
I make a new save in front of a barn. The screenshot for the save shows the barn. I then run to a gas station and save, overwriting that same save game. The save game picture is still of the barn. I turn off the game and load it back up.. the screenshot now properly shows the gas station. I then run back to the barn and overwrite that same save.. it shows the picture of the gas station. The gas station picture will remain attached to the game save no matter how often I overwrite it until I shut down the game and start it up again.
When using multiple rotating saves this can become confusing since I'll have no reference to what save is what based on pictures.