» Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:45 am
Iv found a bug in building I finally unlocked NPC owned shops so I though hmm why not place the stall inside a house, I placed a clothing store inside a house and thought in order to save time for my settlers going too and from work why not place there beds in the next room. so I place my settler bed inside assigned him to work but he wouldn't touch his stall tried ,moving his stall to the garage still no luck .so I thought well I'll create a market place on the smaller vacent house next door to the first house your settlers move into in sanctuary closest to the bridge .placed a large wooden floor panel on the ground but to my surprise ,it's now floating above the air in red and will not allow me to place it on the ground no matter what I do .iv tried placing it else where then changing camra angles and then attempting to move it again but to no avail .it's like my character has raised from the earth and can't place anything on ground level , thought maybe Iv reached my building limit but no I haven't thought maybe I can build else where in another settlement tried placing a floor panel in a differnt settlement it just refuses to be placed on ground level , I don't want to start again and I dont want to remove my old buildings