Mass Fusion crash - Spoiler alert (probably)

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:10 pm

Ok the title says spoiler alert so.. yeah.

Basically, whenever I try to do the Spoils Of War (didn't bother to check before posting here, idiot, I know) quest, as we're flying in the vertibird, everything's fine, until we hit the tower with synths on the rooftop.
A few seconds after they open fire, the game basically freezes in place and buzzes for about 3 seconds, then the game closes and I am booted back to the xbox one dashboard.

This has happened to me on a few other occasions, but it didn't stop me from progressing. The first was exploring north of Diamond City, but it just stopped happening after a while. The other was when trying to follow freedom trail. The second I started to follow the path north, the game would do the same freeze, buzz then boot to dashboard. I only managed to get past it by googling where the quest takes you, and finding a different way there that didn't cause the game to crash.

Can't progress any further, as the vertibird is basically on rails. There's no other way TO go.

Another edit: Thought "screw it" and decided to go down the Mass Fusion route instead. Same issue. Seems that going anywhere near the Mass Fusion/Spoils of War location just causes my game to freeze then crash.

Seems like a lot of people are having various issues. I don't hold it against Bethesda, personally. It's a bloody huge game with plenty to do. I'd be stunned and to be honest, slightly worried if a developer released a game this big without any issues what-so-ever. Be expecting half the content to be missing or something.

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