There are some faces that don't belong with that voice, and some character types too (if I am going to give myself a 1 in intelligence and a 10 in charisma, My view of the simplest things might change. But it's just going to look wrong if I play,for example, a giant of a man of onyx complexion and I have that voice
(though really, I just want to sound like a mutant. Be it supermutant or ghoul. Do you still have that guy that did the most beautiful dunmer voices for morrowind? Jeff Baker please? ) It is also extremely important that us PC fellas can mod in voice packs. TELL ME IT CAN HAPPEN.
Furthermore. I'd also want
The option to turn your voice off entirely.
The option to keep your voice for observations (sugarbombs) but don't use it in dialogue, because I dislike taking two times to do something. The first in reading what I'm going to say. The second in listening to what I'm saying. It's awkward.