I got that from the Bioware forums back when Dragon Age Inquisition had come out and I was terribly glitched in a specific cave. Gfx run amok, the game crashed altogether, got stuck on loading screens etc. I was devastated. And then I found some obscure post somewhere about how XBOX ONE has this persistent storage thing where the game disks write temp installation files that often conflict with later game patch files, and can create problems. So, I went and cleared that persistent storage, and it actually fixed my gfx issues completely.
So, the way to clear persistent storage is: Settings->All Settings->Disc & Blu-Ray->Blu-Ray->Persistent Storage->Clean Persistent Storage.
Then TURN OFF your console entirely, by going to Settings->Power & Start-up->Turn Off Xbox or just unplug the whole thing for a few minutes.
I hope this helps some of the problems people are having.