Since next-gen is an improvement, can we expect the AI to be a lot smarter? Or will it lead to bugs?
Since next-gen is an improvement, can we expect the AI to be a lot smarter? Or will it lead to bugs?
An smarter AI will result in more bugs. Think Skyrim buckedheads.
This alows for more gameplay options who is an good thing.
The AI will employ small unit tactics and advanced tactical unit entry skills. All enemies will call in artillery when they are faced with snipers and/or power armour, or scatter to make it harder for the PC to hit. AI will also try to sneak up on you, and will at all times use the full extent of every lesson learned in Guerilla and assymetrical warfare since Mao wrote "On political strategy and Guerilla warfare". In the off case that the AI has a hard time determining what to do, the algorithms will try to position the enemies in subtle ambush positions whilst taking cover and using fire suppression to keep you on your toes.
Sneak attack critical on Brotherhood Initiate
Brotherhood Initiate Torso Crippled
"Is anybody there?"
One minute passes
"Huh, guess it was just the wind."
That's a pretty big leap from me being able to shoot a weapon out of a super mutants hands then shoot him in the a** while he derps around for it.
What Longknife said..
I hope they fixed that. I really do. It makes me think I'm fighting armadillos who's brains were transplanted into human bodies. When your comrade gets his chest-cavity opened up at least take cover.
Hehe, I hope for improvements, but I'll definetively be mentally prepared for things like this...
How "smart" do you want the AI?
- One has to program "misses" as AI does not miss.
- AI never hits a wrong button.
- AI can have info the player does not.
- AI has a much better memory than players.
- AI's timing is perfect.
How "smart" do you want it?
Another one is that weird line they insist on where the raiders go "looks like we've got ourselves a hero!"
Who does this? Who acknowledges themselves as the bad guy, or calls any random person that walks by a hero?
Might as well be saying "lookie here boys, it's the game's protagonist!"
At the very least, I want a sneaky bullet that hits an enemy, but does not kill him, to initiate a patrol of some kind that doesn't end after three minutes. If you're sitting in the Wasteland and your buddy gets shot, are you really gonna just lie back down on your mattress in the dirt?
"Huh, taking too much Psycho lately.."
If Bethesdas past titles are anything to go by, groundbreakingly [censored]. But like their other games it will probably just add to the game rather than detract from it.
God only knows what kind of messes they might get themselves into once you start building settlements.