I am not saying we have seen evidence for a stong narrative. I can only restate what Mr. Howard stated in an interview on the "aftershow" of the bethesda showcase. There was a definative reason for going to voice which was they felt they had delievered on the open world experience they have good metrics at how people play open world games and their "next frontier," if you like, is taking their open world games and delieving a strong story. Did they succeed? No idea, guess i'll find out in december as it takes more than a couple of sessions to determine if the games various stories are any good.
Err what are you talking about? The consenses is that DA:I was great. It won not only multiple industry awards but multiple gamer choice awards. This is the problem with the internet, a minority if they shout long and hard enough can create a false narrative. By any obective measure of success DA:I is a success. It has been the best selling Bioware game, and won critic awards and gamer awards. That is the only objective bars you can measure this kind of success. Now this doesn't change an individual's SUBJECTIVE take on the game. If you don't like something its success means zero, it doesn't make you like it. So I am not suggesting that the people who didn't like DA:I are wrong. Only that they are the minority opinion which is born out by the sales and awards the game got.
I expect FO4 to be a weaker story then DA:I and Witcher 3. Why? because as you stated before DA:I and CDPR both were new to the open world game design so they did not create a bethesda quality product on their first attempt. What REASONABLE person expect a company to top the industry leader on their first attempt? I don't. Both CDPR and Bioware gave a strong story with an imperfect open world setting but it was an IMPROVEMENT to their previous narrow and linear level designs of past games. And that is all I expect from people doing something for the first time keep what you know as good and make an improvement on the area you are trying to improve.
I would agree that two games with open world features and strong narrative do not prove the two systems work well, but so far Witcher 3 and DA:I have been high selling games with lots of positive feedback from gamers and critics. Which again isn't to say that those people who dislike either game are wrong only that there seems to be a desire by gamers for both open world and strong stories. And the purests ie those who want just the bethesda style open world game or those who want just the strong narrative of a Bioware or CDPR are going to unhappy, Which we are seeing now, Bioware had vocal fans upset that the game went open world because they don't play Bioware games for that and now we have Bethesda fans upset that FO4 is going the route of a stronger narrative. The purest have either got to svck it up or move to an indie kickstarter company to get the game they want. The reason is simple three major RPG developers are all moving in this direction and they have all come to this same place from different directions which is more evidence that the market is pulling these companies here.
As long as FO4 gives me the same open world experience I expect from Bethesda and gives me an IMPROVED story over FO3 and Skyrim I will view their experiement as a success. Will it have been perfected? No but that takes time. I expect TES VI to be better than FO4 for integrating story and open world, as the sales for witcher 3 and DA:I were huge I have no reason to expect FO4 numbers to be poor. And if those numbers are good there is no reason Bethesda will change direction, making it a pretty safe bet TES Vi will continue this trend.