It doesn't happen all the time but I've noticed several occasions where the dialogue doesn't match the subtitles. The subtitles will repeat an earlier part of the conversation while the verbal has moved on to where it should be.??
It doesn't happen all the time but I've noticed several occasions where the dialogue doesn't match the subtitles. The subtitles will repeat an earlier part of the conversation while the verbal has moved on to where it should be.??
@nd that , i also noticed the issue , subs are missing often also or are stuck or as op says repeat
So far I've mostly talked to the settlers let by Garvey, but especially with Garvey and Sturges the subtitles usually stop one r two lines in and either disappear and reappear on the same topic or just stays in place while the conversation continues.
Sometimes the ends of sentences have the audio cut off.
860k/8Gb/2Gb 750Ti(358.91)/Windows 7 64/borderless windowed/high detail with Godrays set to low