I've pretty much finished almost every side quest and explored almost the entire Wasteland but I've only completed A FEW story missions because the Monsignor Plaza area is glitched and the game crashes. And it seems that all the story quests that I'm stuck at, require me to go into that area. At this point Fallout 4 became a bit boring for me since there's only a few locations left to explore and side quests don't pop up that often anymore (besides the annoying Minutemen quests). I don't know if the story quests are long enough to keep me busy but the game certainly doesn't have 400 hours of gameplay like one of the developers said. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but I often find myself walking pointlessly in the Wasteland with nothing else to do since I can't even do the story missions. I'm already level 40+ and I kill most of the enemies with a few shots. I also eat Deathclaws for breakfast now and I'm stuck at missions that you were supposed to do at level 10 I believe. I think Fallout New Vegas had more quests than Fallout 4.
I'm tired of exploring and not getting any quests. Anyone knows where can I find NPCs that start really good quests? I'm [censored] tired of grinding Minutemen quests.