Game randomly crashing on ps4

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:41 am

The game has started randomly crashing on my ps4. Mid combat, or just exploring I get an error message and return to desktop.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:44 am

According to my saved game information I have 5 days playtime in to Fallout 4. I experienced 1 crash and I am attributing that to the fact that I was watching a Youtube video on how to build settlements and accidentally left Youtube running in the background. Normally I close all applications before playing any game.

Overheating can cause all kinds of odd problems. I have a docking station that has two fans that blow air in to the PS4 thus making it run cooler. It sits on it vertically and all the hot air just blows at the top and back, which is up in the air.

I also shut down my PS4 and never leave it in sleep mode overnight.

Normal cell phone chargers will charge the controller so there's no need to keep it in sleep mode just for the sake of charging the charger. I've already plugged in my cell charger to a completely dead controller and kept on gaming.

I know you weren't asking for any input, but I figured I'd mention these things anyway. Hope this helps in some way.

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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:01 am

Never had a crash on mine, even with spending hours in my huge, glitched settlement, with now tv running in the background. Have easily played over 100 hours, makes me think it's a specififc thing messing with your game. Try old saves and see if it persists.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:04 am

Shane B.. The ps4 does much more than charge stuff in rest mode. You are being overly cautious for something they designed the system to do. Also your "shutting down other apps" is absolutely unnecessary as well, it's not going to cause issues nor does any of your post really help the OP.

To the OP, constant crashing sounds like you may have something corrupted, or it could just be this bugfest of a game, but I'd recommend trying a reinstall of game data. Remove game data (NOT save data) and do a reinstall.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:18 pm

I have the same problems. I can't play fallout properly. Every time the game crashes at the same spots. For exmaple the Shadow of Steel quest and the Silver Shroud quest. Its a shame they put the game on a gold status and sell it to people. The game does not work atm. Bethesda fix the game please! I've payed money for it!

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:35 pm

Having the same problem dude, happens to me when I am looking for the Courser. Its a pain, hopefully they will fix soon.

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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:07 pm

i've had 2 crashes- just random and then back to the PS4 main screen.

thankfully i save often.

i was coming up a flight of stairs one time,hit the button to open the door and it froze, gave error message and went to home screen. i just reloaded the game at that point and kept playing.

2 days later it happened again and i said [censored] this- and shutdown completely before i broke my game or my PS4 system in anger!

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