I am in this 5.22 % group. I was expecting bugs, but not this (no support for 1280:1024). I don't think they hate PC users, but I do think they need bigger team working on games.
I am in this 5.22 % group. I was expecting bugs, but not this (no support for 1280:1024). I don't think they hate PC users, but I do think they need bigger team working on games.
+1 for wanting a little more PC gamer love.
I have not stumbled accross most of the problems, as I am still stuck at the lack of 6047 x 1080 support.
Please acknowledge us Bethesda.
1) A game manual for us 1st time players to Fallout. It took me some research time just to find out that the reload button also had a 2nd command that you hold down that key to sheathe your weapon. What other things am I missing.
2) WTF is that tunnel vision view when you sprint? Never seen that before in any 1st person. You would think they would let you turn it off.
3) Head bob turn off option.
4) And most important, keybindings. What a mess they have made this game. You would think Bethesda never made a PC game before.
The comparison was to GPU manufacturer. You have no idea how statistics work or are truly anolyzed. You're thinking does nothing but hurt the group you claim to be a part of.
And yes it is still a small minority to which your unfortunate broke ass is not a part of. As of right now a small minority of 250 thousand that own the game before the gifts and weekend warriors arrive.
Learn 2 career?
What group am I a part of?
Oh, the non-multi-monitor-gaming-plebian-unfortunate-broke-ass-no-career group. Got it.
he said, encapsulated inside of a giant quote box for iainb.
Squabbling isn't going to help us get noticed or taken seriously...
I hear your frustration and agree with some of what you say, especially the keybinding issue and the useless hard copy sale. Although I received my copy today, I will have to wait until after 12 AM to install it due to the data cap imposed by my satellite ISP. I have a Corsair K70 RGB keyboard and hopefully I can bypass the keybinding issue. [crosses fingers]
I know that you are not "trolling", but I completely disagree with this. I have been PC gaming and modding since the days of the Commodore 64. Game boxes have been around just as long, but you can only do so much with a console game before relegating it to the garage/yard sale. Not wanting to sit at a desk and using a simple hand controller while sitting in "deep couch city" is a purely personal preference.
That just isn't going to happen for the simple reason that while a publisher briefly sees a huge sales volume for their console versions of a game, it is the PC version that offers a sustained sales life, especially if the game is modifiable. While you can play game mods on a console, it is technically difficult for the average console consumer (many just play the vanilla version once or twice and forget about it). You also cannot create game modifications on the game console.
Yes and no. I partially agree with the sentiment, but have no fear, PC game sales are not going to disappear for quite awhile. This can be evidenced by the "enthusiast custom PC" market, Valve's Steam DRM, and the various PC gaming blogs.
If they were "false claims", then:
-you wouldn't have topics like this http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1543988-a-data-vault-of-tweaks-and-fixes-for-the-pc-version/
-you wouldn't have a keybinding "work around" like this http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1546356-workaround-for-hard-bound-keys-autohotkey-tutorial/
-you would see very few complaints about not having a full hard disk copy on this forum and the reviews on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Fallout-4-PC/dp/B00YQ2MM2M/ref=sr_1_1_twi_gam_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1447447884&sr=8-1&keywords=Fallout+4
As for not remembering when the last time one purchased a physical copy of a game, I really have not seen too many comments for that. Just comments like "that's how it is nowadays", which explains all the complaints. I would have to say that the last "false claim" is patently inaccurate as there are purchase options for full copy console versions of this and many other new releases, ... somebody must be buying the hard copies or they wouldn't bother offering them.
The advertising for the hard copy version for the PC is very misleading. [BH looks at his physical boxed PC version] hmmm, ... says right here "Requires Internet connection and Free Steam Account to ACTIVATE" nothing about needing to download the remaining 80% of the files from Steam before installation. In fact, unless you read the reviews after release, or followed Pete Hines Twitter account prior to release, you would never know about the hybrid digital download for PC. It makes the PC choices for purchase irrelevant, PC digital download code or PC DVD boxed version for digital download, they are so close to being the same thing, that it might as well be, ... oh look, Amazon just took $10 off of the PC DVD boxed version, ... wonder why they did that?
Seems like an awkward position to keep my left hand in .... but no matter, thanks to iFailed, I have made an Auto Hot Key override file to I can use Space instead of Enter. Should make scrapping (and many other things) much easier.