I hope Bethesda gives him the pre-order. Over 7 years worth of saving bottle caps.
I'm quite unsure about this...
As someone have pointed out on another site, if Bethesda decides to give the pre-order to this guy, others might follow him (although not easily) to obtain their "free" pre-orders...
However, if Bethesda rejects, they will lose face, and will gain reputation as a heartless developer...
I think the best solution is either to give him a free copy, or even better, commemorate this guy in the game.
By making a character in the game that is basically a homage to this guy or even better, making a quest where you help a guy collect amount of bottlecaps to do something like this guy, with hints that the quest is a homage to the guy and inspired by his actions.
Being someone that is remembered and commemorated in a game is one of the greatest act of respect by a developer to a fan
So he had 2240 bottle caps... I think it would be cheaper to buy the game than 2240 bottles
Could someone do a math calculation of this? Hahaha
Nevertheless, some people in the other sites are divided on that matter. Me? I'm just suggesting suggestions
However, do mind that I didn't say that guy doesn't deserve the pre-order though O_O
He deserve it, he does sure deserve it. I'm just worried others might follow him, which in some people's opinion, will be unfair and stupid.
I'm not one of those people though ^^
Cute as this guy's intent, paying a pre-ordered game with 2,240 bottle caps is just pure WOMBAT.
...I don't think my body could stand that much soda and survive.
But kudos to the guy! That is dedication, and I applaud it.
The guy deserves a T-shirt, at the very least.
And I thoughthttps://flic.kr/p/u3xVLf was a lot. That's my collection anyways.