after i went into the ultra luxe and they took away my weapons (i held onto my silent pistol), i talked to heck gunderson then i went outside and talked to walter phebus and told him where gunderson was but earlier i talked him out of revenge.
i went back into the ultra luxe and again my weapons where taken and i kept my silent pistol.
i attacked the greeter he fled and i chased him while shooting at him (i killed him, i looted his body took his clothes and cain).
i killed nearly every one in the ultra luxe with the cain (it's a good mele weapon) , except i let gunderson live since he has a quest that i can do.
who here went on a killing spree at the ultra luxe?
mods please move this thread to fallout new vegas general chat, i forgot i was viewing fallout 4 (oops).