Please tell me there is a valid way of resetting one of those radiant fetch quests. I've done the "Learning Curve" quest where you escort a Brotherhood scribe 5 times by now, since I like the general idea behind it. But unfortunately I've been sent to one place I've already been before in the Minutemen questline and whole 3 (!) times to the GNN buidling. And every single time magically all Gunners respawned and the chest with filled with loot again. C'mon Bethesda, that can't be the formula of the promised "400+ hours" of playtime..
I would really appreciate any help or hint towards if it's possible to manipulate the outcome of the building radiant quests lead to. (Console commands, etc. etc.) I really just want another building to explore. Some smart & mighty Fallout engine wizzard please?!
Thanks in advance.