so I was riding a vertibird back to sanctuary (friends were watching and I was showing off the fun verti ride) when I neared my settlement I guess they are not supporters of the brotherhood because my defenses opened up on me.
let me go into detail by saying I was inspired by the german flak towers during world war 2 and thus built two, three story tall concrete towers armed with 8 rocket launcher turrets each at either end of the main street of my compound.
. . .my settlement turned into downtown Baghdad for a little bit as the sky was lit up with salvos of rocket launches, lucky for me the vertibird was somehow immune to them and was able to drop me off, lift off, then attempt a strafe at one of my flak towers before flying into the distance.
surprising enough there were no casualties all things considered. anyway, just figured I would warn everyone, your defenses might turn on you if you drop by in your vertibird.