My Ideas:
-stimpack-heal civilians to gain karma. (like after witnessing a fight)
-poison-use on civilians gain negative karma.
-some type of personal vehicle(motorcycle, car or truck from death race sort of thing)
-better and more companions such as mini death claw after reaching a certain level or certain perks activated.
-less tribes/factions(1-3 max).
-fallout shelter but in fallout 4 on the pipboy or in your homebase, something like that as mini game with achievements.
-better DLC
-bigger map, richer and more liveliness throughout the wasteland, not every where would be wiped out by a nuclear war. it would just be contaminated with radiation. bigger cities, more secrets and easter eggs.
-climate change.
-better night/day cycle.
-communuity mods on console(xbox one).
-co-op, 2-what ever for online, especially with base building. if not at release, sometime in the future for fallout 4.
-less hacks and cheats
-better hardcoe mode(less traders, caps, weapons. Food and water and stimpacks are kept under 50-100 in the entire map/game play.
-better and more stats, perks, skills, etc....
- remote controlled weapons(example, rc car with explosives for that kamikaze racer, fully automated .500 caliber sniper rifle(somewhere around that )