Is anyone else hoping for a return of Chinese things?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:32 pm

I'd love the full power insanely OTT stealth suit to return. Just for the fun of it.

Used to love getting kitted up in it and popping off to a raider camp with my bag of grenades. It was very disappointing when it was neutered in FONV. Remote controlled explosives and a whole group suddenly going boom at once would have been wickedly enjoyable.

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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:51 pm

a new cool full body stealth suit, or just updated version of the old one, it was pretty awesome

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:43 pm

Aside from the stealth armor and assault rifle (both of which I love), I'd also like to see the Chinese Pistol, preferably using .45 caliber instead of 10mm. And not being useless vendor trash like in Fallout 3 and Fallout Tactics.

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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:41 pm

i would love an over-powered stealth suit that uses energy cells when activated, maybe at an extremely fast rate if whatever cells that power them is common

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louise fortin
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:17 pm

You can barely ever find that in present day, what makes you think you'll find it in Fallout? :P

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:36 am

I'd love to see a full DLC exploring an area of China, or, an area under Chinese control that mirrors all the similar propaganda in all the North American Wasteland, but Pro-China, depicting USA as the great evil, similar to stuff done by North Korea now, and Japan in WWII

like this -

It'd be an interesting perspective, and especially so if the storytelling and writing was compelling enough from the player character's perspective to really bring the whole China-USA thing being enemies in the game into question.

For instance, we see China painted as the enemy aggressor in all the American Propaganda for Fallout, but, one of the tropes of the game is about being lied to and experimented on without knowledge or consent by government and corporations.

What if USA was the instigating aggressor and all the Chinese action we see in the game is only in response to that agression.

We also don't really hear much about the rest of the world. Perhaps the world was united against an evil resource-hungry USA?

It'd make for some fun twists in the canon.


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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:24 pm

I doubt it will ever happen, but there's some interesting stuff there.

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sexy zara
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:57 pm

It'd likely need a new name in-game, but there is a Chinese Dragunov actually. It's called the Type 79 and the Type 85 rifles.

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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:11 pm

Ah, but think of the marketing potential and sales for Bethesda in China.

Didn't the last Transformers movie deliberately film sections in China just to win appeal in the Asian market? And some other Hollywood franchises are doing the same?

It'd make sense from a marketing standpoint for Bethesda to attempt something similar, to cash in on those Asian economies with a story and setting that appeals to such markets and could very well muddy the waters of the Fallout story Canon such that story-wise from our perspective, it's hard to tell exactly who in the Fallout universe was ultimately responsible for the Great War.

Philosophically, that's also make sense too, because, war is historically spun by the victor, but, in a war where no one actually wins ... who's to say who's the actual bad-guy???

Right now, the Fallout franchise has only ever told the USA slanted side of the story, but, war is war, and ... war never changes :D

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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:15 pm

That DLC wouldn't work ix09. The whole design of Fallout is from American idealism. If you swap it around and set it somewhere else, it's just another post-apocalyptic game.

We already know the Alaskan Invasion by the Chinese was in response to the accusations the US had crippled their oil rig over the last remaining source of oil in the world then the US taking it. But given all the people IRL who do nothing but trash-talk Americans, I'd really rather not have a game that promotes that.

And that backfired horrendously considering how crap those movies have been. I'd rather not damn the franchise of Fallout for the sake of trying to alter a key aspect of design element for the sake of profiteer.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:45 pm

I wouldn't think there would be much Chinese stuff around Boston.

I would be interested to see something from hte Canadian resistance though. That sounds interesting.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:14 pm

Oh? Didn't know that.

Well, even better reason for having an of them then.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:51 am

I respect that point of view and opinion, but, I think, for now, I disagree.

Yes, Fallout comes from a perspective of American Idealism. Something from a Chinese perspective, however, could do the same in illustrating a veneer of an Asian Communist Utopia, but, digging beneath that, we find the very same, or similar elements of corruption, bureaucracy, government lies, horrific tests and science experiments on citizens without their knowledge or consent (like vault-tec, FEV, Big Mt.) and other elements that mirror what we've seen with Fallout so far.

The ideal, if written properly, would have that over-the-top propaganda ridden layer of zealous patriotism for the Chinese cause, but, the bulk of the story, the meat and potatoes could largely consist of a dialogue undermining that veneer, while muddying the waters of ultimate blame in the Great War.

It'd frame an alternate perspective, still maintain the same thematic philosophies already present in the Fallout franchise, greatly expand on the existing back-story while also adding some ambiguity, introduce a whole new playground of architectural styles, items, weapons, etc., and it wouldn't necessarily have to take place in China, but perhaps somewhere "liberated" by China before the bombs fell still within believable reach for an FO4 character, or much later FO5 years from now.

We could still have our old familiar Fallout, and such gives room for some creative liberties stylistically in delivering new models and game asset alternatives. We've seen Chinese stealth suits, but, what if there was a Chinese Power Armor equivalent, and other such?

As a DLC it'd have to fit within the realms of plausibility for an existing FO4 (or FO5 if done years from now) character, allowing for seamless pickup and continuation of the main quest, so, as a DLC, ideally, it wouldn't be too disruptive to the Fallout universe, and could give us some more Chinese stuff to play with, including lore.


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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:24 pm

It is not much a what if. It is already established in previous games and the bibles that both USA & China are at fault, for how they let things escalate.

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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:53 pm

I personally would love anything outside America more as a stand alone... Peking for exemple would be way to large to be part of a single DLC. This should be more like New Vegas a own game, but not part of the main gameline (Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4...)

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:15 pm

You know, all this talk about going to a place outside America makes me wish for that cancelled game, Fallout Extreme... would have been real interesting.


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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:41 pm

I would like to see some communist propaganda and general communist made items.

Maybe we stumble on some crates that contains various gear from pre-war era containing stuff like guns, clothes and other material.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:11 pm

At first I thought it was lead paint or tainted milk that was being talked about.

But yeah, I admit the red army uniform and Chinese rifles are neat.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:57 pm

i want an AK(chinese assault rifle) please god please, let me have it or kill me... no but seriously, you can't have a post apocalyptic world wihout an AK like for real, you cant :)

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:50 pm

We get the "Murica is the root of all evil" trope in plenty of video games...don't need more of it in Fallout than we've already got. It's been made clear the Fed was nearly as bad as the Chinese Gov't, and possibly worse in some ways.

As far as China goes, they would do what they have always done historically when the central government crumbled.....fall into a phase of regional Warlords, usually the descendents of the last generals of the old gov't, endlessly fighting over land, power and influence until one day a Warlord arises in one of the competing territories who has both the age-old dream of a unified China....unified under Him, of course....and the resources, skills, and luck necessary to pull it off.

One thing that would be interesting to learn is the fate of the US troops that were busy battling their way into Beijing when the exchange happened. Some, or even many of them probably survived. Most likely, one or more of the Warlords would be the descendent of a US general....though by the 2280s they would be Chinese in all but name due to generations of intermarriage with Chinese, not to mention slowly adopting Chinese ways over the centuries. That is the fate of all of China's foreign conquerors who stayed to rule, such as the mongols.

As far as the rest of the world, they were swirling around the same toilet bowl the US was, they were just further along. By 2067, they were all pretty much screwed, the Chinese were the only power left that could oppose the US....until they fielded power armor and nullified their greatest advantage, that is.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:42 pm

While your argument has its weights, one should consider the logic of wanting Chinese "stuff" in a game, in a game where the lore paints China as the big bad of pre-war retro-future 1950s-esque America, without having much if any Chinese, or the logical truck of Chinese Communist philosophy and propaganda that's associated with such material.

Consider Pre-Soviet-Collapse America during the Cold War in real life. How much Soviet swag was found on the American Market? Not much. Yet, by comparison, in the Fallout universe, in a post-apocalyptic world where resources of any kind should logically be scarce, we find Chinese weapons, books, and armor laying about, almost like candy in a candy store.

There's a bit of a cognitive dissonance there; we have Chinese stuff, but comparatively fewer Chinese, and by extension their propaganda and philosophy which should follow suit.

It's inconsistent, and like asking for Chinese stuff, but, wanting that Chinese stuff made in America, neutered and sterile of everything associated with China.

Further, the game, as an RPG throughout the franchise history, has always presented the player character with choices. Help the Brotherhood of Steel or Destroy them. Help the NCR or fight against them. Be a slaver, or kill the slavers. Take the Enclave's side, or not. Blow up Megaton, or not.

We're always presented with choices; some of them even difficult.

Asking for more Chinese stuff in the game presents opportunity to fix that logical inconsistency of relatively few, and rare exposure to actual Chinese, and by extension thier propaganda, doctrines, etc., as well as presenting opportunity to set up another large scale choice of faction alignment in the game.

For the sake of exploration, and story-telling, let's take a little game lore and mix it with some real life, and take it for a spin.

In real life, there's a Quebec Sovereignty Movement -

In the Fallout Universe, USA has annexed Canada, this including Quebec.

It could logically follow in the Fallout universe that Quebec, historically interested in secession from Canada proper, was even more dissatisfied with annexation under USA. This dissatisfaction birthed an underground French-Canadian resistance; a Maple Leaf Maquis.

The Maple Leaf Maquis (MLM) reaches out to China, and begins to smuggle Chinese materiel, and personnel into Quebec hidden away in underground bunkers, planning on sweeping South into the American Capital to cut off the head of the snake, and win freedom for the world.

... then the bombs fall.

200 years later, somewhere in Quebec, the rusty doors of an old bunker began to open ...

Eh. It's not too implausible, and, it could give the game yet another fun faction to fight or befriend, plus, it gives plausibility to Chinese stuff, and the addition of more Chinese stuff.


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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:40 am

People want the Chinese stuff because it adds variety, and are intrigued by the ghoul holdouts. The Chinese ran numerous covert ops in the US, their supply caches could still be turning up....though the real reason is probably that the FO3 devs knew players would love the Chinese stuff so they added it. I wish they had made a real faction out of them one could interact with. Though so many people in FO3 are made using the "Asian" templates that it could be there is a hidden settlement somewhere in the Capital Wasteland inhabited by the descendents of Chinese-Americans who were rescued from the Internment Camps and the non-ghoulified Chinese covert operatives who broke them out.

Canada would be interesting, I agree. And there is very little lore...just that the US invaded and annexed the entire country and was rather brutal about it. We all so know from the Ptt DLC that Ronto...almost certainly considered to be a major military power. It would have been logical for the Chinese to be covertly aiding Resistance groups in Canada....and as the PQ is rather Left-Wing the Chinese would probably focus on them, at least in Eastern Canada. Most likely the Canadians recovered their independence in the wake of the exchange....any Occupation troops that didn't switch sides would have been driven out or killed, and any attempt to try to hold on would have been doomed by mass desertions and attrition. What would have been interesting is what happened after the US Occupation was over....with the Federal government forcibly dissolved during the Invasion, all that would be left are the Provincial Governments, presumably packed by the US with Quislings who the Resistance would turn on with gusto once the US was out of the picture. I suspect Ronto and the powers that be in Quebec will spend a lot of time fighting each other...who got to scavenge the ruins of Ottawa would be one thing to fight over....only taking a break when bothered by Raiders from what was the US. I suspect there would be a level of mutual ethnic hatred between English and French Canadians that would shock and horrify today's Canadians as well...though I doubt gamesas would go there.

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:51 pm

Yes, certainly, Chinese items add variety and that variety is fun.

The remnant ghoul Chinese agents, while also a suitable source to attribute Chinese items in the game is okay, but, as few as there have been seen in the game in contrast to a greater presence of Chinese items, it just seems rather inconsistent.

Further, where did those Chinese agents come from pre-war anyway? Weaving Quebec into the lore as a Chinese supported (covertly) location in the pre-war days could legitimize at least one source for the now-turned-ghoul agents from the pre-war days.

Additionally, much of the Chinese weapons and items found all over the wasteland could then find provenance attribution from Canada, even if only as loot from old broken bunkers with Chinese weapon caches populated by feral Chinese ghouls.

Adding Canada with Chinese, French Canadians, English Canadians, as well as First Nations peoples could indeed pull in a wealth of competing factions, and sub-factions to befriend, fight against, trade with, and do quests for.

The Chinese could have hard line Maoist Communists, Moderate People's People Communists, and a blended more liberal group that has both Communist and French-Canadian Socialism sympathies, where or other sub-factions just like we see with the Brotherhood of Steel's various sub-factions and internal power struggles.

As you mentioned, there could be remnant USA quislings, competition and rivalry between English and French Canadians, and, in between these there could be First Nations peoples. All these could have their rivalries with each other, and internal power struggles the player character could assist in sorting out.

It could be a Great White Northern wasteland full of color, and, in addition to all of those factions, as you mentioned there could be Raiders, as well as some of the other familiar faces.

As much source material, and potential there is, if implemented, there could easily be room for not only making such a thing a DLC, but, a complimentary full stand-alone like New Vegas. Keeping it a DLC, and DLC-sized for FO4 would, however, be nice so as to include all the new models, factions, items, companions and everything else that could come out of such a story into the Boston player character experience.

Does Bethesda ever troll through these forums for ideas, I wonder?

Well, whatever the case, we've a fun story line to think about for entertainment all fan-fiction style, and, perhaps such a thing could be modded like that one kid did with Falskaar in Skyrim. It'll certainly be interesting to see what the modding tools give us.

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