While your argument has its weights, one should consider the logic of wanting Chinese "stuff" in a game, in a game where the lore paints China as the big bad of pre-war retro-future 1950s-esque America, without having much if any Chinese, or the logical truck of Chinese Communist philosophy and propaganda that's associated with such material.
Consider Pre-Soviet-Collapse America during the Cold War in real life. How much Soviet swag was found on the American Market? Not much. Yet, by comparison, in the Fallout universe, in a post-apocalyptic world where resources of any kind should logically be scarce, we find Chinese weapons, books, and armor laying about, almost like candy in a candy store.
There's a bit of a cognitive dissonance there; we have Chinese stuff, but comparatively fewer Chinese, and by extension their propaganda and philosophy which should follow suit.
It's inconsistent, and like asking for Chinese stuff, but, wanting that Chinese stuff made in America, neutered and sterile of everything associated with China.
Further, the game, as an RPG throughout the franchise history, has always presented the player character with choices. Help the Brotherhood of Steel or Destroy them. Help the NCR or fight against them. Be a slaver, or kill the slavers. Take the Enclave's side, or not. Blow up Megaton, or not.
We're always presented with choices; some of them even difficult.
Asking for more Chinese stuff in the game presents opportunity to fix that logical inconsistency of relatively few, and rare exposure to actual Chinese, and by extension thier propaganda, doctrines, etc., as well as presenting opportunity to set up another large scale choice of faction alignment in the game.
For the sake of exploration, and story-telling, let's take a little game lore and mix it with some real life, and take it for a spin.
In real life, there's a Quebec Sovereignty Movement - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_sovereignty_movement
In the Fallout Universe, USA has annexed Canada, this including Quebec.
It could logically follow in the Fallout universe that Quebec, historically interested in secession from Canada proper, was even more dissatisfied with annexation under USA. This dissatisfaction birthed an underground French-Canadian resistance; a Maple Leaf Maquis.
The Maple Leaf Maquis (MLM) reaches out to China, and begins to smuggle Chinese materiel, and personnel into Quebec hidden away in underground bunkers, planning on sweeping South into the American Capital to cut off the head of the snake, and win freedom for the world.
... then the bombs fall.
200 years later, somewhere in Quebec, the rusty doors of an old bunker began to open ...
Eh. It's not too implausible, and, it could give the game yet another fun faction to fight or befriend, plus, it gives plausibility to Chinese stuff, and the addition of more Chinese stuff.