Thanks. I'll try it out. When using darker nights for Oblivion I simply skipped the nighttime by waiting for sunrise, so realistic or not, darker nights tends to be self defeating in my case as I never experience them anyway.
My nights are pitch-black dark, can't see a thing. I use Streetlights and it helps in places where there are streetlights :hehe: But most times I'm "dungeon diving" when night falls so usually miss it altogether.
The worst time of day to be escaping Raven Rock is night time. I
always find myself meeting Fawkes at 2am, even though I can only see him by his gunfire. When I remember to I 'wait' for sunrise before opening that last door.
I don't know know if it's a feature in Fellout, but recently I was in Dupont Circle standing beside my follower but about 4 steps away. If I moved he would look at me, but if I stood still he'd look away as if I wasn't there. I wonder if that's because it was
really dark?
I'm not finding enemies doing the same thing, though, unfortunately. Even sneaking with the Chinese Stealth Suit, having 100 in Sneak and a Stealth Field of 50 (overkill, I know) they still spot me immediately in the dark :blink:
I don't know what's going on there. My light is not on and I'm not moving at all. In Oblivion I could crouch down in the shadows being really still and all the goblins in some cave (I forget the name now. Timber-something) would wander past me as if I wasn't there. I always remember that when I am spotted 5 seconds after "hiding" in Fallout