Should weapons have a chanse to jam in Fallout 4?
Should weapons have a chanse to jam in Fallout 4?
Don't they do that in F03/NV if their condition is low? I say yes.
Yeah they should, if their condition deteriorates. I'd rather have firearms jam than do less damage.
I really hope weapon condition/jamming hasn't been removed.
Agreed. Poor condition firearms don't do less damage, they're just unreliable.
If there's a condition thing, sure. Jamming weapons added a lot of excitement to Far Cry 2 and STALKER, so I'm all for it.
Yes to weapon jamming. Really liked that in Far Cry 2, shame it got removed for 3 & 4.
Would make for some hairy moments taking on Deathclaws and such.
Yeah they should, do i found weapon jamming rare on FNV myself (have not checked FO3 lately) They just broke before i ever had them jam, or it is simply over to soon to notice.
It makes sense, that the lower a weapons condition gets, the greater the chance of it jamming or misfiring. Sort of a visual cue that you should probably get that thing looked at soon.